We have an issue with texturing.
We have usually very good results, but for some reason on one of our project the texturing went totally wild, with objects being slightly misaligned and bleeding from one room to the other (we are reconstructing a building with several rooms).
What I did that can be a little bit different from the usual workflow is that I aligned my pictures, I reconstructed a model in the aligned component, then I changed a few tie points to ground controls points to properly level and align my component, updated the alignment, and then textured the previously reconstructed model.
I feel like this could be related to the fact I updated the component AFTER having reconstructed the model, but this should be allowed, right ?
Thanks for any hints,
Dear Mr Tanant,
what version and build of RC are you using? Could you also possibly post any screenshots?
Hi Jonathan,
Yes, that is allowed. It seems like a bug. We will try to reproduce the problem and we will definitelly fix it if it will be a bug. Thank you for reporting.
We are using last version of RC. I cannot post any screenshots as this is confidential.
I tried to export the model, reimport it and texturing is fine. I think that some matrix somewhere is not updated (and that export/reimport is a workaround).
Hello Jonathan,
I tried to reproduce your problem following the workflow you described but in my case there was no texturing problem. It would be helpful if you could give us more information about your project. After updating, did the aligment look good? Did you define any other constraints? Have you tried this workflow on different project? If so, what was the result?