Bad text / font quality when drawing it on RenderTargetCanvas2D

When drawing text on RenderTarget2D using the DrawText node, the text quality is very low, the text is blurred… I adjust the text size with the Scale parameter. I tried to increase the canvas size and, accordingly, the scale of the text, but it does not help. Can anyone help me figure out what the reason for this is?

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What font are you using? The engine default Roboto is pretty small so looks bad scaled up. You’ll want to use a larger font.

I use Roboto. but why does it look good when I use this font for buttons, etc.?

Just a guess but the the scaling works differently in the UI vs world. When you walk up to text in the world you’ll notice it takes up a lot of screen pixels.

Anyway, yeah we just used a larger font and our world material text looks crisp.

The problem is solved! It was necessary to increase the font size here


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