I have huge FPS loss in packed game
Shipping version 15 FPS
Standalone game (Editor) 50 FPS
Both have same ressolutions
I have huge FPS loss in packed game
Shipping version 15 FPS
Standalone game (Editor) 50 FPS
Both have same ressolutions
Hi ,
For performance issues you will want to start by profiling your game to narrow down exactly what is happening. We have several documentation pages that should be of use to you to help you with this.
In addition to that, comparing the two images it looks like the one that you specify as the Standalone game from the editor is not rendering everything that the other is. The foliage (assumption on my page) for the grass that is painted on the ground doesn’t appear to be as dense or there in the Editor one vs the packaged one that is rendering everything. This may be a large part of the issue you’re seeing. The packaged version will render at full quality whereas the standalone game version will use the last known settings from the editor, so if they are set lower for whatever reason this can change things.
Performance profiling in your packaged games is the place to start though for optimization!
I hope this helps.
Tim Hobson,sorry writing here,but i didn’t find anyway to connect you.i am writing from turkey and i have Swarm Agent problem which i have been trying to solve for a long time.Let me connect you on facebook or whatsaap or whatever. You can take a look my problem bro (How can i solve this rendering problem? - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums) again writing here
i tried everything,i re-install my engine,and created new project,and i re-install my win10, i always face to same problem for a long time,and i am tried to try to find solution,i am waiting an answer, i hope u will back me
Again sorry writing here,but i didn’t find any way to connect u
I’ve assigned myself to take a look and offer suggestions. It may be a few days before I get to it though. We’re in the middle of our 4.13 previews, but I’ll respond as soon as I can.
i will be waiting you