Hi everyone! I’m stacked with my problem which I’ve seen people have trouble too.
In my case, I have a physics-based flight ship and I want my character to move inside this ship but it seems like my character has unlimited mass, even its way lower than the ship’s mass. I tried to change character movement: physics interaction but it doesn’t have any effect. Also if I enable physics in character capsule it just doesn’t move at all.
Any help would be appreciated!
Hi! You should indeed have Physics Collision enabled on both your ship and character for this to work (otherwise the non-physics one will be treated as a solid object). From there make sure that the Collision Profiles on both objects are set to block one another and that the force that your ship uses for lift is enough for the combined masses. I would also check the Linear Damping values you have for each object’s physics component and lower it to see if you can achieve your desired result. You can also check the PhysMat you are using (if any) and mess with the Friction and Restitution settings there. Another reason your character isn’t moving when you enable physics could be that you are using a Set Location node (or similar), try an Add Force node so you can move it with physics instead.
Thanks for the answer! It’s not about my ship can’t fly, the problem is that when my character steps on it (via stairs) or trying to go in some destination blocked by some of the ship’s collision he pushes the ship way too much. Also, I have some difficulties because I have one mesh which is using for physics and one (its child) to just collide with character (without physics).
Also, on what components of character phys collision profile should be enabled?
Looks like I outfought this. In my case: I had one mesh for physics simulation and one mesh for colliding with characters (for proper NavMesh working). I wanted to set COM for the first mesh, so I set the second’s mesh mass to 0. I knew that attached bodies counts as one, so I set my mesh’s for navigation collision type Query and Physics and this was my mistake. After changing mesh for navigation collision type for Query only physics changed back to normal.
I will write if there will be any new bugs, but now it works just OK.
Glad you got it working