Hello, I’m brand new to UE and just created a simple first person shooter to learn how to use it. The game has a main menu and three playable levels. I put a music cue in each level, as well as one on the main menu, so that there is background music that starts on each level. When I hit the green “Play” button with a level open in the editor, it works fine no matter which of the three (four, including main menu) levels I try individually. However, when I press the “Play” button on the Main Menu level, it plays fine on the menu level, and plays fine when I click on two of the three other levels, but one of the levels has no background music. I did nothing different on the cues in each level, and even tried swapping around different wav/cues, but for some reason this one single level won’t auto-start the music unless I start the level directly from the editor rather than the main menu. Sound effects work as normal. Any idea what I might be missing?
Hello! You should check out all possible diffs between the level where is NO music and others two that have it. For example recheck World settings, game mode overrides, Sound Mix changes and so on…
That’s the strange thing, I don’t see anything different between the levels. I don’t know enough to know if maybe I’m missing something, but since it works when not coming from the main menu, I have to think the problem might be with when the level is called by the Main Menu blueprint. The three level calls are identical there as well, though, so I’m baffled.
Can you provide nodes that are used to play music?
I actually didn’t use nodes, and maybe that’s what I’m missing. I simply created a cue from a wav, then dragged it into the level with “auto start” ticked. I saw that method in a YouTube video, and it seems to work for the other levels. Is there a better method to reliably start the WAV when the level begins?
I figured it out! Rather, I didn’t really figure out what was wrong, but I simply re-made the game’s main menu from scratch, and it fixed the issue. I have no idea how the main menu was causing the music to not start, and I did nothing different in the blueprints to load the levels when I re-did it, but it works, so problem solved for now. Thank you for the input.