I recently noticed a change in how my grid looks inside the editor (the background grid when opening a Blueprint for example).
The background grid is much more noticeable (thicker lines). See image below:
I find it quite distracting… I’m using Unreal Engine 5.3.
Has anyone experienced something similar? Are there any settings/hotkeys that I might have accidentally used to change how the background grid is displayed?
Also getting the same behaviour here suddenly, even in clean projects.
Seems like it just changed recently for some reason, also seeing this both in 5.2 and 5.3
Would really love to get back the thinner not so obtrusive gridlines as well
I just updated my GPU drivers and it’s happening to me as well. If anybody figures out a fix for this, please let us know.
I rolled my GPU driver back to:
This has fixed it. So it seems something in newer drivers is doing it.
I am sure some seeing the sight of a gridless background is like nails on a chalk board to be clear, its a joke and I would never work gridless (to OCD). But you can adjust the Grid lines to your liking within the editor preferences under the ‘Graph’ category under appearance settings.
Well I finally got around to trying it. Unfortunately that didn’t fix it however it helped a little. It seems to be an issue of line ‘thickness’ more than anything for me. However I don’t see anywhere to adjust the thickness of the grid lines.
If anybody figures out how to adjust this, please let the rest of us know!
Just happened to me today. It happened randomly, unprompted. I closed UE on Saturday, and it was normal. I opened it on Monday and got 2px thick lines. The only thing I can think of is that I was playing a UE5 game earlier and got a GPU crash, so that’s my best guess for what caused it. I updated my 3080 TI drivers to latest and updated UE from 5.4.3 → 5.4.4 and still have thick lines.
This is going to drive me crazy. I’ll probably just have to deal with adjusting the alpha for now.