Background Blur on parallax background mobile game? Depth of Field seems not to work?

I’m having an issue getting my game’s background to blur? Adjusting the gaussian blur settings don’t seem to be doing anything- I think it’s because of my game’s camera set up? It’s a squished perspective to make the parallax camera work (I’ll attach some pictures!)

This is what the game currently looks like:

However I really want a soft blur in the background (and maybe even slightly in the foreground?) like this:

(The same vibes as Unravel if you’ve heard of it?)

Here’s my camera set up currently, the springarm is very long and the camera very zoomed in to give the compressed perspective:

If anyone has any ideas I’d greatly appreciate it! Thanks for much for your time! :heart: :heart_hands:

Hello @WillMead13,

Unreal Engine’s depth-of-field blur effects only are applied with the CineCamera component. You will need to change the Camera component in your blueprint to be a CineCamera component instead.

If set up properly, you should be able to get a nice blur in the foreground and the background, with the focus on that character. UE’s Bokeh and Circle blur effects produced by the CineCamera will also be more realistic than a simple guassian blur.

This may help you use the CineCamera component:

Thanks so much for the response! So , do I just replace my camera component with a cine camera? I did try this but the 32 blur seemed not to be enough with my current camera set up (far spring arm with high zoom)- do I have to do something specific to get the blur with this set up? (Thanks for your help!):heart_hands::heart:

Yeah, after you replace it with a CineCamera, increase the Focal Length parameter under Current Camera Settings. This will make the lens zoom in, and the more zoom will mean more DOF effect. Feel free to set Current Aperture to something really low like 1.2 for max effect.

Then play with the Focus Settings under Current Camera Settings. Adjust the Manual Focus Distance to play with the focal point or use Tracking to focus on your character.

In order for the DOF to work, you will also need to make sure your background elements are far back enough in the camera’s depth field, and conversely have the foreground elements closer to the camera.

Hmm. Also, for me it’s only showing DOF effects on engine Scalability settings High or more. Since you’re doing a mobile game that might be the problem…

I don’t have much any experience with making mobile games, but I’m sure UE ways of doing DOF on mobile. Maybe it has to be done in post process instead of the CineCamera. I’m not the one who knows :person_shrugging:

A couple years ago I was working on a little 2D project where I wanted some sweet DOF effects and I had some trouble figuring it out, so I’m just sharing what worked for me. :slight_smile:

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Hi again! I replaced the camera with a cinecamera and created the same zoom effect with the focal length, I tried to adjust the DOF but its called a ‘Mobile Depth of Field- High Quality Gaussian Blur’- this seems promising but I can’t figure out how to set the focus point and turning up the blur settings seemly does nothing except for the ‘Near Blur Size’ and ‘Scale’ which seem to blur and darken the whole camera? (Adjusting the ‘Manual Focus Distance’ doesn’t seem to change anything either?) Thanks so much for your help- I’m very much a beginner at camera stuff in Unreal Engine and you’ve explained everything so well, it’s been really helpful! :heart_hands:

(Here’s video of my adjusting the values in case I’m just doing something wrong ahaha):

Oh actually! Mini update- I unticked the first option and the blur works! (for far away, not up close)- is there anyway to make the blur more intense? (If you don’t know that’s okay too!) Thanks again for all the help! :heart:

Nice! I’m glad that’s starting to work. Since Mobile DOF is part of post process, you probably can just use the standard Camera component and not worry about the CineCamera.

This documentation should be helpful, especially on tuning the focal ranges:

Good luck!
Also, nice gnome :smile: