I’m studying Software Engineering and was thinking of having my final project (which is mandatory) involve Unreal Engine in any possible way. I’m not certain how developing a game in an already completed engine would “showcase” that I’ve learned something during my studies, but game development and game design is something I’m highly interested in doing and would love to include as a final project.
I was wondering if any of you have any ideas on what a good final project might be that involves C++, since I believe that is the part I can cling to when pitching the idea to my professors. I would love to showcase the possibilities of Unreal Engine in combination with developing a 2D sidescrolling game with few levels, or something basic, but I’m not sure how to make it “serious” enough for a final project.
A few notes:
the project doesn’t need to be high class AAA quality. The standards are pretty low. (one student is doing an online shop for a company, explaining the needs of it and implementing the idea…)
I’m not overly proficient in C++, but have a good basis, and am willing to learn more.
yeah check with your lecturers first, also it doesn’t have to be a game. You should think of the other possibilities, such as teaching and testing simulators for dangerous jobs etc. Test people know the correct procedure for a certain malfunction or injury etc.
Will do. Just wanted to create a general idea over what I would like to do, not just head there and be like: “HEY, I want to make a video game!!1!”.
Never thought of it this way. I guess without knowing that much about Unreal Engine, I never thought about what it could do. However, it goes in the different direction of what I plan to do in the future. I’d like this to be some sort of introduction for me into the game development world, but also serve as a decent final project that would be fun to work on.
Most would take a game seriously - you only have a few months, so I would strongly suggest doing something quite small, but polished. Try a remake of something like Missile Command - you’d be surprised how much work you can put in to make something like that polished enough for a public release
^Agreed. Just please don’t be overzealous like me. I wanted to develop in UE4 for my degree, but due to time constraints and the fact that I wasn’t as familiar with the engine as I should have been caused me to waste many hours of time.
Most would take a game seriously - you only have a few months, so I would strongly suggest doing something quite small, but polished. Try a remake of something like Missile Command - you’d be surprised how much work you can put in to make something like that polished enough for a public release
Alrighty then. Thanks for the advice, I’ll check in with my professors and see what can be done.
^Agreed. Just please don’t be overzealous like me. I wanted to develop in UE4 for my degree, but due to time constraints and the fact that I wasn’t as familiar with the engine as I should have been caused me to waste many hours of time.
Ugh, I know the feeling, I usually overextend with everything, only to regret it later on by being piled up, neck deep, trying to make ends meet. Thanks for the advice, I’ll try to keep it small and organized.
Hello, I was wondering what kind of project did you end up doing. I’m a software engineering student as well and for my bachelor thesis/project I was hoping to do something in game development (instead of the big data/full stack projects that my peers are doing).
Do a path-finding game, where you have a red army in one side of a maze, and a blue army in the other side of the maze and start chasing each others and killing each other. That will show you the power of UE and also the AI.