Babylon project (provisional name)

Not for now, I have 3 voice styles, but probably will need more in the future.

Companions not only help you fight enemies, also collect objects for you (later you can ask for them) and light the torch if it’s dark.

Still has some bugs to correct, animations that are truncated, etc.

Unfortunatly only a few seconds, the map has only 10x10 km.

My plan is to make a ship bigger, with interior, so you can enter and move, acces to the cockpit, sit in the chair, take the controls and fly. Like the Star Citizen ships. This will be a transport, slower than the ships in the video.
The ships in the video will be drones, smaller and faster.

Here is a video of the animation:

and a random image:

When the dragon is out of bounds, it stops, you can turn and continue flying. The current winged disc drones are destroyed, but as always are orbiting the player, they don’t reach the bounds frecuently. All are provisional, and probably I will rewrite all the code (current was done in a weekend only as a test).

About leave the cockpit and walk around, I will see when working on the ship. I don’t see any problem to do that.
Also the ships will have a automatic pilot, to follow a path, so you can enter in one, sit on the passager room, and fly without drive it. I have something similar with a sea ship that are following a path in the current map (but it’s done with matinee).

This fog is dynamically created around the player. It’s using the same script that trees, so the entire map can be filled without aditional performance costs.

Density can vary and my intention is to place it only at certain hours (from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., for example), and in some places during all the day.

Night version:

Saturday bonus:

The same problem with BSP.

This is a new alien vehicle, a jetpack. It needs a lot of work yet, directional animations for the pilot, smoke trails, engine and wind sounds, etc. This is only a “sketch” made this afternoon.

Also the jetpack mesh is provisional, needs a new one.

It’s fresh and interesting.^^
Your game level is very large. How much is the extent of it?

Thanks. Landscape is 10 x 10 Km, including water. It’s big to move using a horse, but small using a flying vehicle…

OMFG (in an amazed and over-awed way) probably says it all about your game. And darn* it I’m so jealous (and I’m not alone with that feeling :slight_smile: of your achievements, but in your struggles I bet you’ve earned them.

Besides the awe (and now probably going on to state the obvious) you have an excellent eye for scenes and characters and how they should look. Even the volcano another example, adds interest to the scenery. Shining golden wings to fly with, that makes sense. Monuments, castles whatever on the sides of hills - then your character hits a tree and falls like a stone, nice. The reality of gravity blends well with the fantasy. It’s a world many people will want to explore. I hope you have the patience and time to continue getting it right.

(*darn , i don’t like that stupid word. I was forced to replace my initially satisfying adjective because censorship forced me into it!)

Thanks, I hope to have force to finish the game.

These bots are talking to each other. They alternate phrases that may include gestures.
Everything is controlled by code, so the dialogues are dynamic.

No voices or dialogs (only blah blah) in this video, this is only a test. But this couple seems to have problems. She does not believe in the anunnakis, and he is a mercenary.

House model by .
Table and seat models by Srak.

Update, this is another example of the interaction with bots.The bots can follow you (or to others bots) and talk.

In the first part of the video, a merchant offers to you his products. Then this actions modifies the dialog when you want to talk with him later.

In the second part of the video, a bot talks with your companion (another bot). The action links to another one when the dialog is finished, the companion talks to to the player about the recent event.

Actions, dialogs and post-dialogs can be linked easily to get complex interactions.

This video uses synthetics voices, as it’s only a demo.
Merchant dialogues are inspired by an infamous telemarketing company from Seville, Spain.

Bot’s behavior is natural and interesting.^^
Good work.

Thank you :slight_smile:

This is an extra ambient occlusion pass.

The normal pass gives a soft occlusion effect, with scattered shadows.
This extra pass uses SSAO with less scatter to give more definition to the shapes.

The video shows a exagerated value of 20 to make the effect noticeable. Good values are 2 or 3. Will be configurable in the graphics menu.

The performance impact is about 1 ms (in the GPU stat).

looks nice!

I do the same in my game and although it looks like SSAO is cheap, it’s actually quite heavy on older PCs :confused:

Don’t worry, at this rate of development, when completed everyone will have a nVidia 1080 at least…

Playing with the lights and AO settings:

Here a improvised parkour:

There are a ugly effect when the pawn lands and roll, there are a micro pause, fixed after publish the video: Landing fix | By Babylon Project | Facebook