Ok I have another step. Can you go into your input.ini file. Located here: C:\Program Files\Unreal Engine\4.4\Engine\Programs\ShaderCompileWorker\Saved\Config\CleanSourceConfigs. Check to make sure that [/Script/Engine.PlayerInput] has information for your f keys.
Yes I have it.
My issue are on the “number” key and not the function keys. And the result of the debug input is “none” on the screen, like if a mappings can’t be done between the key and the mapping name in UE.
I think it’s not a binding issue, my concern is not that my command are not called (that’s the side effect) but more that all the Numbers key except “4” returns “none” when I’m displaying the “showdebug input”. The “none” means that the key is not recognized and can’t be mapped internally and I can’t get why.
Any other steps that I can do to find the root cause?
I am passing this on to be assessed by our development staff. I went ahead and put in a bug report, TTP# 346988 to be assessed. Unfortunately I do not have a timeframe on when this may be assessed and fixed. If you can access one, I would highly recommend using a QWERTY keyboard until we can get an update. Thank you!
I tested in 4.5 preview and I have the same issue.
I just created a blank project, open the console, call showdebug input and most of the number key are matching none.
Is there any update on this? Have you been able to reproduce the issue I’m facing? We are testing our gameplay and it’s really anoying that we can’t map those keys.
This is still under assessment and unfortunately I do not have a timeline of when it will be addressed. Please continue to use the EN settings on your keyboard. Thank you!
This is currently being looked at by the development staff. Thank you for your continued patience while we attempt to find an optimal solution to implementing AZERTY keyboards.
The biggest issue here is actually that the engine does not detect it for built games too which means that any first-person (WASD) UE4 game without rebindable keys in the UI will be unplayable for people with AZERTY keyboards.