Question: in Character Blueprints, the skeletal mesh should face the x-axis (or else the character walk/run sideways), but in Control Rig, y-axis is front, and here comes the problem…
When I try to do anything with that value in Control Rig, the outcome is all messed up (e.g. let’s say the HMd moves 50cm in the x-axis, it moves 50cm in the y-axis instead, and the rotation is already 90 degrees off). Btw,
How do I solve this problem?
Can anyone at least suggest a keyword so that I can know what I should search for?
ChatGPT says it’s a “axis orientation” issue, but nothing meaningful comes up with that search.
I’m using “get relative transfom” node from the character’s HMD & Motion Controllers (trying to make a VR body to work with Control Rig), then feeding that into Control Rig (in AnimBP of course).
Btw, making the character face in the y-axis will fix the issue, but then, like I said, the character walks sideways…
Edit: is there any way to fix this by using “Make Relative Transform” node? Trying to put values in the “Make Relative To” socket (and relative transform in A socket), but not working…