I have setup an Axis Mapping to move a Character. If I control the character with the Thumbstick of an Oculus Touch Motion Controller the Scale value is ignored. Setting it to -1 has no effect!
The Scale values of the other Inputs (W, S, Gamepad) are recognized. E.g. setting the Scale of W to -10 moves the charater backwards. Setting to +10 moves it forward.
My Character BP is based on a derived ACharacter Class which does:
void AMyCharacter::SetupPlayerInputComponent(class UInputComponent* inputComponent)
// Set up "movement" bindings.
InputComponent->BindAxis("MoveForward", this, &AMyCharacter::MoveForward);
The "float Value" is the Input Value multiplied by the Scale (Gamepad and the Keyborad keys). If Oculus Thumbstick is used the Scale is not in the Value!
void AMyCharacter::MoveForward(float Value)
if (Controller == nullptr)
if (Value == 0.0f)
FVector Direction = MyCameraComponent->GetForwardVector();
AddMovementInput(Direction, Value);
So why gets the Scale of the Oculus Thumbstick ignored? Putting the Thumbstick forward gives a backward move of the Character. I want to reverse this.
Any help is welcome, greets