Awful Content Browser Behavior

So, let’s talk about the regression of the Content Browser behavior. The fact that I cannot keep a floating version or docked version of the Content Browser constantly open on another screen is extremely frustration and counter to the workflow that I have had for years when working in UE4 (which was really simple and efficient for selecting and navigating the asset library).

I have tried a number of different combinations with docking editor tabs and windows, and as soon as I click off of the main viewport window, wherever the content browser is located, vanishes. Even if I have a tab that is docked to the main viewport i.e. the Static Mesh editor for example. This basically negates the helpfulness of having a separate content browser window at all as it vanishes whenever the focus is not on the main viewport! This is not how it behaved in UE4, and I cannot seem to get back the old behavior at all.

I am not sure how this is considered a UX improvement?! Why does it feel like I am being forced to use the Content Drawer by default, which invades the current window or asset viewport I am using? Please fix this silly and regressive behavior of the content browser!