Awake physics but only certain bones?

I would like to make use of awake and sleep for my crane skeletal mesh thing, but to have not the whole crane fall down on awake I need to awake only certain bones. But I can’t find any way to do that in blueprint.

You can use the SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics node. You specify a bone name. All bodies below that bone in the skeletal hierarchy will have physics enabled.

Yea but I can’t do that with awake. When you set it up with physics sleeping, it will go awake once something touches it. That should then happen with all bodies below simulate physics but I can’t find any way.

I don’t believe you can do that with the sleep mechanism. Sleeping is meant to temporarily relieve the physics system from having to do work on something that has settled to the point of hardly moving. But, as you mentioned, if something touches it, it’ll wake up and start performing physics again.

Instead, you want to completely disable physics for the bones that you don’t want moving, even when something touches the crane. The SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics node will do that.

Yea, that is a problem, I like to mainly use it as a performance improvement because I like to use it a lot for environment things like foliage, like having trees and other things that react physics simulated to collision. But with all that being physics simulated all the time that would be a overkill. Sleep and awake would be perfect but I guess there is no way to get that working.

I would imagine that the answer to use SetAllBodiesBelowSimulatePhysics would be the correct answer for disabling & enabling physics for your foliage system to improve performance. Enabling & disabling physics using that node is the same as “sleep and awake” as you put it.

No. The answer is to make a proper profile and swap the profile instead of coding individual chains.

But 8 years ago that wasn’t a thing (and the chain was first a thing around 6 years ago, so they didn’t even have that option).

And even now a days - with chaos - who knows what factually works.
Pretty much nothing actually, particularly if you look at performance differentials between Nvidia’s PhysX and the mess epic made with their own concoction…