Autumn Rain | Unreal Challenge: Furious Elegance

  • For questions relating to the current active challenge, please use the tag UnrealChallenge
  • For all submissions, please include the tag FuriousEleganceContest
  • If yours is a UEFN submission, please make sure you use the tags unreal-editor-for-fortnite and fortnite
  • If yours is a Student submission, please make sure you use the tag Student-Entry

Title: Autumn Rain

Video URL:

Student Submission: No (pick one)

Credits to sourced
・music : Nature/irminia
・Animated Rain - Waterdrop Material & FX
・Orca Games Full Anim Bundle
・General Purpose Animations Pack
・Generic NPC Anim Pack
・Many Megascan assets
・Metahuman Creator

Screenshot of project in-editor:


  • Description

Nice to meet you.
I am currently working as an animator in Japan with a focus on architecture.
In this challenge, we verified PCG and MetahumanCreater and got excellent results.
Thank you for giving me this wonderful opportunity.
I use automatic translation because I can’t speak English very well.

  • backstory to the piece

Autumn leaves are one of the things that makes me feel very elegant.
What will my alter ego do when I see it…

  • Engine version 5.2

Checklist before hitting submit: (Please delete this before submitting)

  • Is the FuriousEleganceContest tag present in the tag box of the post?
  • If yours is a UEFN submission, does it contain the Unreal-Editor-for-Fortnite and Fortnite tags too?
  • If yours is a student submission, is the Student-Entry tag present in the tag box of the post?
  • Is your video URL in the post and set to public/unlisted where it is hosted?
  • Have you credited all of your sourced/non-original content used in your submission piece?
  • Have you included your in-editor screenshot showcasing the UI?
  • Have you indicated if you are a student entry or not?
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