Automation Tool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown) Not working even after Verify


Having a similar issue than this question:

“AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=1 (Error_Unknown). Can’t seem to find a solid fix. These error wont let you package your game not on Windows”

It’s the exact same thing, but that go fixed by verifying the installation and it doesn’t work for my case. It was packaging well and good but i changed the project name (to get it in my .exe) and after that it stopped working and gave me that error.

This is an urgent work and it’s the first time it ocurrs to me.

Thanks for any advice.

Attached the log.

129156-log_failed.txt (34.5 KB)


This issue seems to be common but tricky, many different tricks solve the issue for many different people. Therefore, I have a few questions for you:

  • Have you tried deleting your intermediate and saved folders?
  • Does this happen in a newly created project?
  • Have you tried migrating your project over to a new project and seeing if the error still occurs?
  • Have you tried 4.15 yet?

Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!

Let’s answer each question. Except for the last suggestion, i haven’t tried the rest of them until you mentioned them:

Have you tried deleting your intermediate and saved folders?

Yes, it didn’t work.

Does this happen in a newly created project?


Have you tried migrating your project over to a new project and seeing if the error still occurs?

I didn’t think about it at the moment of the problem but it turned out to be the solution. I had to recreate and repair some blueprints (and update my project description and splash) but nothing really damaging to the project.The migration worked fine for the most part and overcame the issue.

Have you tried 4.15 yet?

I did, as i said, but trying to convert or copy the project resulted in a crash. Creating a new project worked fine, so i guess migrating to it would work find as well.

It’s weird, because i copied the project in its original 4.14 version to another computer and it crashed there before this problem, so i will try to do it with the new migrated project. Now i know migrating is an option.

I would consider this very problem solved, but it would also be awesome if somebody take a look to the log so he or she might be able to tell me what could have happened in order to learn.


You’re welcome. I’m so glad that you were able to resolve the issue with the suggestions provided. Sometimes the reason that migrating projects fixes issues is because the “dirty” files are then replaced with newly created, “clean” project files. Any file that becomes outdated and doesn’t refresh when the project is being saved will cause issues like these. Typically those issues are located in the Intermediate and Saved folders but sometimes they are further out than that.

What do you meen migrate the project? Export the old one and import it to a new one?