Hi Unreal Community!
I am new to Unreal and even to game development I have been trying to follow this tutorial on ARKit with Unreal Engine, but unfortunately I have been stuck on this one step when we package the initial version of the app. My project never launches on my phone and I have tried doing everything I found about this problem online.
Please someone help me, I know it might be a very simple solution but I am very new to Unreal and IOS Packaging.
I have a Developer Account and have set up all my identifiers and provisioning profiles in the correct way. (at-least thats what I think)
I am also attaching my logs.
Thank You
UBT-arTestnov5-IOS-Development.txt – UEBuildPlatformSDK.PrintSDKInfo: UnrealBuildTool.MacPlatformSDK using manually i - Pastebin.com
Log.txt – Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject="/Users/ra - Pastebin.com
Here is the error I keep geeting.