Automatic Turrets

Hey guys!

Let me show you another system I’ve made. It is an automatic turrets, that are easy to setup. 100% blueprint-based


  • Scaning for targets of desired class;
  • Ignoring (classes or actors by tag);
  • Autofire;
  • Trace, bullets (projectiles) and rockets types of firing;
  • Exposed settings (see the video);
  • Destroyable;
  • Rotation Indepentent (place it on ceil, walls)
  • Network support (listen or dedicated)

I’m also planning to make a good turret model for that, so my turrets be ready-to-use.

Feel free to comment :slight_smile:

Deadly ;D

Wow! Really awesome. What about surface to air targeting?

Turrets can target actors in the air too as it can rotate by Pitch. Moreover, turrests are Rotation Indepentent. You can place them however you like (ceil, wall, 45deg etc), they will still rotate properly.

It looks very interesting. Good luck!