I do not understand exactly what the automatic-license-extension (or -renewal) does, both terms seem to be used simultaneously for the same thing.
Does it mean the activation period is extended as stated here: [SOLVED] Error when activating license 3rd Post by Wishgranter or rather the renewal of the paid license as I understand it here: License activation, transfer and renewal 4th Post by lubenko?
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
I do not understand exactly what the automatic-license-extension (or -renewal) does, both terms seem to be used simultaneously for the same thing.
Does it mean the activation period is extended as stated here: License activation, transfer and renewal 3rd Post by Wishgranter or rather the renewal of the paid license as I understand it here: License activation, transfer and renewal 4th Post by lubenko?
Hello Götz,
when you have the option below ticked (under the respective license here: https://www.capturingreality.com/my.licenses), then this will happen: License activation, transfer and renewal
(By the way, both posts you have referred us to have been made by me.)
Dear lubenko,
you are right, I pasted the same link twice, which I have corrected now… :oops:
Concerning my question:
By providing the same link as I did I figure you are trying to tell me that Wishgranters post was not entirely correct?
Or am I still misunderstanding something?
Would you please be so kind and tell me explicitly if renewal and extension are synonyms and if it concerns the paid license or the activation period?
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
Dear lubenko,
you are right, I pasted the same link twice, which I have corrected now… :oops:
Concerning my question:
By providing the same link as I did I figure you are trying to tell me that Wishgranters post was not entirely correct?
Or am I still misunderstanding something?
Would you please be so kind and tell me explicitly if renewal and extension are synonyms and if it concerns the paid license or the activation period?
I was not trying to imply that at all, since your links were mistakenly referring us to my posts and I did not know which of his posts you meant then.
To cut a long story short, automatic license extension = automatic renewal = automatic extension of the license activation period. And both our posts mean the same.
…and you were right again about Wishgranters post, you could not have known it.
Although the two posts are imho totally contradictory, so I assumed one must be wrong or you two are talking about different things.
Anyway, question answered, case closed!
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
…and you were right again about Wishgranters post, you could not have known it.
Although the two posts are imho totally contradictory, so I assumed one must be wrong or you two are talking about different things.
Anyway, question answered, case closed!
We were both talking about a bit different situation in our posts but I am not aware of any contradictions here anyway.
Ok, not closed yet.
In your post, you are talking only about licenses and buying them which - as I understand it - is very different from the activation period, which Wishgranter mentions once.
At least that was the result of this topic: Activation Period vs. Licence Period
A license is the thing one pays money for and the activation period is part of your copyprotection.
So if you talk about a license period to be extended, to me that means that at the end of 3 months or a year the software will automatically renew this license, which costs money and could result in an unwanted expenditure.
What I glean now from this diskussion is that license is sometimes used in the context of activation.
Maybe I am just a bit slow on the uptake, but I find that quite confusing.
To summarise:
This whole automatic business only means the activation period within a license period and cannot create any costs, right?
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
Ok, not closed yet.
In your post, you are talking only about licenses and buying them which - as I understand it - is very different from the activation period, which Wishgranter mentions once.
At least that was the result of this topic: Activation Period vs. Licence Period
A license is the thing one pays money for and the activation period is part of your copyprotection.
So if you talk about a license period to be extended, to me that means that at the end of 3 months or a year the software will automatically renew this license, which costs money and could result in an unwanted expenditure.
What I glean now from this diskussion is that license is sometimes used in the context of activation.
Maybe I am just a bit slow on the uptake, but I find that quite confusing.To summarise:
This whole automatic business only means the activation period within a license period and cannot create any costs, right?
Let us have a closer look at it then. This is my post you are referring to:
This is related to buying a new license once the validity of your license is nearing or comes to an end.
Here is the Wishgranter’s post you were referring to at first:
In my answer to your question by ‘our posts mean the same’ I rather meant that he also mentioned the term ‘automatic license renewal’, in his post above, meaning the same as I explained:
Now you have added another link to the discussion with no contribution of Wishgranter: Activation Period vs. Licence Period
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
A license is the thing one pays money for and the activation period is part of your copyprotection.
So if you talk about a license period to be extended, to me that means that at the end of 3 months or a year the software will automatically renew this license, which costs money and could result in an unwanted expenditure.
What I glean now from this diskussion is that license is sometimes used in the context of activation.
From my post (see the highlighted part) it is clear that our licenses cannot be renewed automatically (the only exception is this new Steam version of RealityCapture which is a so-called floating license: http://store.steampowered.com/app/489180/)
There may be users who confuse the term license and activation but it is not us here and now.
Götz Echtenacher wrote:
To summarise:
This whole automatic business only means the activation period within a license period and cannot create any costs, right?
That is right.
With my third link I did not mean any contribution of Wishgranter.
That might have been ambiguously phrased.
It is only to clarify where I got my info from and for other readers who might stumble across this diskussion.
You say:
“Providing that you have the automatic renewal enabled (workflow tab / settings / licenses / enable auto renew / true), you may smoothly continue using it after having bought another license” You can also renew the license manually (workflow tab / settings / licenses / renew license / renew) - you will be asked to enter your registration e-mail and password, to select one of your already bought new licenses and, finally, to set the license activation time."
How am I supposed to understand that the automatic renewal concerns the activation period from the quoted paragraph when all you mention is license??? Not one word of activation period.
In my understanding license ist the time for which you pay to be able to use the software, as oppose to activation period, which is a user-set time-limit within a license time-frame.
I am not trying to split hairs here, I simply want to point out that there is potential for misunderstanding, that’s all.
At the end of your paragraph there is the key to it all:
“license activation time”.
I maintain it’s confusing though…
Over and out.