My game has multiple automated turrets which are a fairly vital part of the game. They have been in the published game for weeks now with no issues but after testing for the first time since the update today I found they aren’t activating at all when you go near them if they have the option ‘Go Dormant If Alone’ enabled, and if you disable it then they are active but don’t follow their movement paths properly, and they will see you and engage you even when they are facing the complete opposite way.
I have changed some settings on the turrets (most of them I just changed the activation range from 25 to 24) and they are working a bit more consistently, but not as reliably as they did before. They’ll still sometimes target the player outside of their field of view or not target them at all even when staring right at them at close range, but it’s better than it was.
If you have this issue I recommend changing a setting like activation distance and test them again, then try changing it back and re-testing to see if it improves the problem.