I want to automate the process of creation of an Unreal project and then import a glb model into the scene. And how I want to do this is using bat/powershell/python to run ascript in command line.
I got a sample code from ChatGPT and the script does not seem to run or do anything. It does not generate any error after running the bat file. Can anyone help me in finding out what is the root cause. I have pasted the sample code below.
@echo off
rem Set the project name and Unreal Engine version
rem Set the path to Unreal Engine installation directory
set UNREAL_PATH=C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.3
rem Set the directory where you want to generate the project
set PROJECT_DIRECTORY=C:\Users\HI\Documents\Python
rem Generate Unreal Engine project
echo Generating Unreal Engine project...
cd /d "%UNREAL_PATH%"
Engine\Binaries\DotNET\UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project="%PROJECT_DIRECTORY%\%PROJECT_NAME%.uproject" -game -rocket -progress
rem Print success message
echo Project generation complete.