Automatic landscape material:
Blend type used World Height, Angle Slope, Normal Slope, Height blend, NoiseBlend, Distance Blend, MacroTexture, Splat Mask, RVT, … Triplanar, Paralax & Tesselation enabled.
Technical Details:
- Automatic texturing
- Many demonstration map
- Many instances (different bioms)
- Packed textures
- Layer customization parameters
- Blend customization parameters
- Many usefull functions
- Easy setup
- Modularity
Number of Unique Materials and Material Instances:
- 1 main materials with inctances.
- 1 technical material with instances.
Number of Textures:
- Many different layers, of 2 textures in each (Grass, Soil, 2 Rock, Snow, …)
- 1 macro texture
- Many default texture
Texture Resolutions: 4096
For demonstration material used PBR packed *.exr textures. 1 layer 2 textures, they are packed - Color, Roughness, Normal map, Height map. If you use sRGB textures (jpg, tga, png), the conversion function from linear color to sRGB is built into the layer material function “MF_BcRNmD”. It is called “MF_LinearColor_to_sRGBColor”. It will be necessary to switch the outputs to it.
For questions: Discord
Marketplace: AutoMat in Materials - UE Marketplace
PS: Procedural Grass made solely to demonstrate how to work with her masks. There are ready-made and much better implementations. Which is easy to embed in this material.