Autodesk Stingray

They just hire people for polishing… they have money. This will onley take a month and unreal, Unity cry are dead.

Well i dont know i f im kidding… it has some true facts already…

I don’t know in which universe you’re living in…
I assume you’re trolling.

Well they have money XD They can just hire some people from the industry. So thats the point XD tell me in wich Uni you live then

This is already the first thing I like about Stingray. I am pretty sure this does not work in UE4. You can change and bake the lightmap resolution of one object on the fly without rebaking all the rest.

At least, that’s what I experience with UE4, the long baking times when I change a single object that doesn’t influence lighting at all in another room for example, but that room recalculates also…

Correct me if I am wrong.

Feature starts at 04:52

After messing with Flow in Stringray I have a greater appreciation for Blueprint.

the more competition among engines, the better for us :slight_smile:
but I definitely stay with UE4 mainly because of C++.

My viewport is constantly crashing when editing materials, which gives the entire editor this warm, homey feeling of a true Autodesk product hug

:smiley: lul. I dont have that many crashes with Autodesk tools.

I have to admit, on that point last night I was using the animation system in UE. It crashed about 30 times, so errr… Neither are the epitome of stability…

The difference being: You report the UE4 crash and Epic, or some good samaritan, will fix it relatively quickly with a free update. When you report a crash with an Autodesk package you have to wait 2 years and buy the latest version update to get the fix. :wink:

I tried it, and dunno why would I use it.
It seems very feature incomplete (compared even to Unity, not to mention UE4).

Then I opened player script and tried to understrand it… but oh my, so much code, with so little meaning. I never liked Lua in first place (and could never understrand why people like it for scripting), so I might be biased, but holy hell, 500+ lines of code in lua just for player is not something I want to deal with.

tl;dr there is nothing in current release that it’s worth paying for. Especially without access to source code, or at least some plugin API…

Unreal’s base character/controller classes are way way more code than that. It’s just that the great Unreal guys already built them for us, like way many more components as well. Stingray is not “bad”, it needs time to mature like any other product.

Agreed, even in Unity we had about a 500 line char controller including Animations then we had another 1000 lines for the camera controller (which covered stuff like mesh collision etc.) so it’s about right… Personally I liked it better than Unity (out of the box), one thing it does need to be though is extendable and that will ultimately decide it’s fate…

@chambered I’m a Maya LT user and the experience with improvements / support has been great TBH, they fixed everything relatively quickly…

On the whole it looks like a compromise between Unreal and Unity, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s easier to use than Unreal and it’s more feature complete out the box than Unity. I said in another thread if a Unity user is starting a new project for 3D or they want more out the box (no asset store) but can’t deal with Unreal it’s worth a look.

If you’re a Unity user with an already established pipeline, then it’s going to be of no appeal and if you’re someone who can tame Unreal then again it’s not going to be any appeal… For me to switch from Unreal, said engine would have to have the real time rendering, tools (+bits) and performance of CryEngine mixed with the ease of use of Unity. Decent support and agreeable licensing terms are a must also… Let me know when that happens :D.

Try something complex in. Try something not fully supported, and you will soon run into issues.

No it’s okay. I can work with their tools as well, though I still don’t like their mentality. And given how and where I got this error in Stingray, it feels like early adoptions of Max or so. Just weird. Not comparing it to UE4, just had a chuckle at the error :slight_smile:

I don’t see the use of Stingray right now. Maybe they’ll get some advantage in a better pipeline integration for artist. It still has quite a way to go.

Real time content updates, lightweight, lua etc, perfect for Indies.

I played with it for a few days. It’s no threat to Unreal or Unity, at least at this stage.

There are some cool ideas in there, like the interop with Maya, but overall the engine just felt rudimentary to me.

I can understand the desire to want to use the same set of tools from one company to complete a project. It would probably make integration a lot easier. With that said I despise Autodesk due to their business practices, and plan on making my way within this industry without using them at all.

Sigh! Their is currently too many “advanced” engines on the market.

here you can find some games made with its predecessor Bitsquid engine:

here you can find some games made with its predecessor Bitsquid engine:

Or Warhammer: End Times - Vermintide that is coming out next month: