AutoCAD DWG parsing

Hi. I know I posted this somewhere, but it looks like it would be more topical, here. What I’m trying to do is bring in a DWG in runtime, parse the header (and mesh/poly tree), and do some control on that in C++, just like how RealDWG AutoCAD SDK does it. This would allow me to turn on/off meshes in runtime with some amount of control, like it’s done in Revit. There is a visualizer out there called Fuzor, and Revit itself has some great functionality, but I am really hoping someone will build a plugin or blueprint arrangement for basic parsing of the DWG header. I know we only have VRSCENE imports, so far, and the FBX workflow will definitely help me, too; however, I’m just fishing for some input from the beta users (and Epic internal staff) who could guide me to how I can do this WITHOUT RealDWG, if possible (the SDK is insanely difficult). I’m hearing from structural engineering firms who would like to see this done, and I don’t want to re-invent the wheel if someone has already started work on something like this. I hope to build an “interactive” version of a visualizer, using Revit and V-Ray, find/distribute meshes in runtime, and allow control of this interface (for real-time redlining) in UE runtime. I know. Daunting. But, I know it can be done… just looking for feedback, thanks in advance…

Look at the libraries from Open Design Alliance for reading DWG and RVT files

Hi, I want to use Datasmith plug-ins in some branch engines, such as the VXGI version engine, but I found that I copied the same version of the Datasmith plug-in into the branch. It hints that the version is incompatible, and when I try to rebuild the Datasmith, it is not possible to build it.

I think VXGI is a great global optical system, with Datasmith tools will be a very perfect workflow, but can we find a way to use them together now?

If you wanted to use your own custom build of Unreal Engine, this is not directly possible with Datasmith because Datasmith only supports the official binary release of Unreal Engine. However, you could use Datasmith on an official release of UE4 and then transfer the UE4 assets to the custom build. As long as the custom build is the same UE version, or a higher version, this should work.

Hi @kenpim