Auto Shop System (Documentation)

Integrating the system into your project

All you have to do to integrate the system into your project is to change the game mode of the level you want the car to spawn in. Go to your level, then to the world settings window, then to Game mode, then Game mode override. Change it to “BP_YourLevel-GameMode”.
Or copy all the nodes and variables in “BP_YourLevel-GameMode” and paste them into your game mode.


Important note :
For all levels that include the system, the player controller class must be “BP_AutoShop-playerController”


Note :
You can also choose the car and start playing in one level. To do this, send us in the following email :
To send you a video that shows you how to do this.

Create your own cars list

To create your cars list, go to AutoShopSystem Folder / Blueprints Folder / BP_AutoShop-playerController / CarREF-And-Prix variable
Press the plus button to create indexes, each index representing a vehicle


Customize the list :

When you complete the list completely, copy it, then go to AutoShopSystem Folder / Blueprints Folder / BP_StartSave / CarREF-And-Prix variable and paste it
Then do the same process with “WB_CarStatistics”
Go to AutoShopSystem Folder / UI Folder / WB_CarStatistics / CarREF-And-Prix variable and paste it



Customize the spawning location

  1. To customize the car’s spawn location in the store
    Go to AutoShopSystem Folder / Blueprints Folder / BP_AutoShopLevel-GameMode / CarShowSpawnPoint variable
  2. To customize the camera spawn location in the store
    Go to AutoShopSystem Folder / Blueprints Folder / BP_AutoShopLevel-GameMode / CameraShowSpawnPoint variable
  3. To customize the spawn location in your level when you start playing
    Go to AutoShopSystem Folder / Blueprints Folder / BP_YourLevel-GameMode / CarSpawnPoint variable

If you have any additional inquiries, write to us at the following email :
We will be happy to answer your questions