Auto Save switches workspaces in Cinnamon DE

Build Type: GitHub Source build

Build version: 4.11.2

Detailed description of the issue: When using two workspaces, for instance one for engine and the other for a web browser, after an auto save is triggered all engine windows move to the currently active workspace.

Repro Steps

  1. Open an Unreal project in workspace 1
  2. Open another application in workspace 2
  3. Switch to the application in workspace 2 and wait for an auto save to trigger.

This occurs every time an auto save is triggered.

Hey -

I was able to reproduce this behavior and have entered a bug report, UE-33679, to investigate the workspace behavior.


This also appears to happen on macOS 10.14.3 using UE4.19.2, When the Editor is opened and a C++ project is opened in a fullscreen window of Visual Studio Code.
Steps to reproduce is open a C++ type Unreal editor, click File > Open project in Visual Studio Code and press the green fullscreen button on the VS Code window. I did not test this with Xcode.