This bug has been posted before; however, all of the bug report numbers that I found found associated with the posts seem to have been erased. As in, the search results say it’s an invalid bug number. Likely, this was due to too much time passing and they thought maybe it resolved itself with the new versions that have come out?
Idk. Either way, using Xubuntu 16.04 and UE4.14, every time it auto-saves, the editor steals focus while it’s in the background. Also, it seems to auto-save while working on other things within the editor. I’ll be editing something, then the auto-save will cause, for example, a text box to revert to its default as if I had cancelled editing it and the editor’s main window will have the focus.
This bug has become quite problematic, recently, as it’s constantly causing me to have to re-edit things and switch window focus back over.
Often times, I will end up with a glitch that causes the blueprint editor to zoom in/out when I’m really trying to right-click pan through the editor. This is because the auto-save shifts focus back to the main window before the child window can acknowledge the key release. Every time this bug occurs, I have to click both mouse buttons, try the scroll wheel, then press shift, ctrl, and alt but not simultaneously and in no real order. This will cause the child window to finally acknowledge that all of the aforementioned keys have been “released” and the scrolling bug goes away, allowing me to pan through the blueprints as normal.
Problem one recreation steps:
- Shift focus to a different window, other than UE4
- Upon auto-save counting down and saving, focus will shift back to UE4’s main window
- Edit within a sub/child window of UE4, such as a Material Editor or Blueprint Editor
- Keep editing while the auto-save countdown continues
- Once the auto-save engages, focus from the child window is lost to the main UE4 window
For the second bug:
- Attempt to edit a text box, such as a variable’s name for a blueprint on the side panel or a [Print String] node’s text box
- Wait for the auto-save timer to engage
- Have one of the following keys engaged while the auto-save initiates: Ctrl, Shift, Alt, Right Mouse Button, Left Mouse Button
- Attempting to pan through the blueprints after the auto-save initiates will then result in the cursor changing to a resize cursor and causing the “camera” to zoom out or in, instead
Alternative for the second bug:
- Edit within a blueprint, viewport, or material editor
- As the auto-save is counting down, try to drag a node or object, using the left-click and moving the cursor
- As the auto-save engages, the focus will revert to the main window, or simply lose focus on your current editor’s “viewport” if the blueprint tab is docked within the main window
- The blueprint editor will believe the left mouse button is still down, causing a resize cursor to appear and zoom in/out if attempting to right-click pan
- Pressing all or some of the following keys causes it to become “unstuck”: Ctrl, Alt, Shift, Right Mouse Button, Left Mouse Button
- Normal editor “panning” resumes and the right-click drag can once again be used to move the “camera” within the editor without causing it to zoom
After much experimenting, I have discovered that holding both the left and right mouse buttons down and then attempting to move the cursor up or down will result in the same effect of changing the cursor to that of a resize cursor and then causing the “camera” to zoom in or out of the blueprint. This is the way that the hotkey would normally work. However, if the aforementioned steps are taken to recreate the auto-save bug, attempting to pan the camera within blueprints with a right-click of the mouse will result in this hotkey initiating even though I do not have both the left and right mouse buttons down.
If you would be so kind as to provide a long-term solution for this, I would be most grateful, as this is occurring (by my rough estimates) every fifteen minutes(?) or so.
[UPDATE]: Apparently, the second bug can also occur when you select a node from the right-click pallet menu. Every x times out of x I choose a node from the right-click menu, my left mouse button press event seems to stick and I have to do the workaround to get my “camera” to stop zooming instead of drag-panning.