This computer has two hard drives.
C: SSD (for os)
I installed UE4 today to my D drive, but realized my C kept losing space. I began to suspect the ‘auto save’ function that had been going off every 10 minutes. I disabled this and capacity seemed to remain stable, until I opened another project wherein I had forgotten to turn off auto save. The C drive lost more space.
I know I’m down at least 2-3 gigs now but the thing is I can’t seem to find what is occupying this space to get it back.
The User/My Documents/ Unreal Projects folder is empty. I fear that having installed this on my D drive, and setting my project folder to a non-default location on the D drive as well -has lead to the auto-save function breaking. Possibly writing away my SSD space in a way that it then becomes inaccessible to free up again.
Note: I just did another test and turned auto save on. Went from 13.3 to 13.1 gigs now. This is definitely the auto save.
How can I go about recovering that portion of my SSD?
Tl;DR: Auto save is broke because my install and project files are on another drive. Auto save has been eating my SSD and sending that space to oblivion. Halp.
edit: Update
Is this possible related to or triggering the creation of ‘shadow copies’?
I ran admin cmd:
vssadmin delete shadows /for=c: /oldest
This removed the ‘oldest’ shadow copies by windows. It removed one file and brought me back to 14.4 gigs which was a number I recognized seeing earlier in the day.
Then I ran
vssadmin delete shadows /for=c: /all
Which removed 9 ‘recent’ files, that brought me back up to 20.2 gigs.
I can’t be sure that this is freeing the exact same memory that I’d lost before though.