Auto-Porting to Windows UWP via iOS/Android?

Hi everyone!

Basically, As UWP allows you port to your iOS / Android games/apps to Windows UWP (Windows Phone, Windows 10 .etc) are we any closer to seeing an auto-converter that converts Unreal projects (iOS / Android ones) to this UWP stuff?

I tried looking at the Windows documentation for it and got lost at the table of contents! :frowning:

A little script that does the heavy-lifting would be awesome.

Are there any plans for this or something similar on the horizon?

I’m only aware of a Objective-C compiler for windows, that’s not going to help with all the iOS API calls etc. it just helps porting iOS apps written completely in Obj-C so that the platform independent parts come over easily.

UE4 only uses Obj-C to call APIs, so there’s really nothing that be gained by it.

Unless MS is emulating all the iOS APIs, but I’d be incredibly surprised if that was the case :slight_smile:
