Auto Adjust Camera In Rolling Template

Hey guys, i done a auto adjust camera from this tut: https://www…com/watch?v=UMcmqsMzcFg

And works great in third person template, but i am currently trying to get it to work with rolling template and run out of ideas of how to get it to work , basically need it to adjust with forwards and back and right and left, as standard like video, left right works fine but camera rotates 360, i set it up like this (My video: https://www…com/watch?v=c5PVDJklt0g&list=UULkvKtglSSpClGFvR7rjM7g) which limits rotation, and also if i connect forward/back or left/right separately, it works for both, but together, forward and back cancels left and right…wondering if anyone from Epic can help?


Hey jdsb52,

Sorry for delay in response; this fell under radar for awhile. Are you still having difficulty setting this up in 4.4? If so, could you provide some images of your current Blueprint setup? Thanks!

Hey jdsb52,

We haven’t heard from you in awhile, so I am marking this post resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing this issue after upgrading to 4.4, please let us know and we will continue investigating. Thanks!