Augmented Reality for UE4


If you are using ios sdk 9 - works without any extra steps on ios 9 and 10

If you are using ios sdk runtime 10 you need to add:
In UE4 in Project Settings >> Platforms - iOS >> Extra PList Data >> additional Plist Data [NSCameraUsageDescription (String - iOS)]

More info:

heres the adb err log :

02-02 23:04:15.236 20795-20912/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer-JNI: QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
02-02 23:04:15.446 20795-20912/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer: stop called in state 1
02-02 23:04:15.446 20795-20912/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer: error (-38, 0)
02-02 23:04:15.456 819-829/? E/Sensors: Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 22
02-02 23:04:15.516 819-2757/? E/Sensors: Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 22
02-02 23:04:15.706 819-6092/? E/Sensors: Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 22
02-02 23:04:16.247 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: Failed to  ioctl MSMFB_OVERLAY_SET err=Invalid argument
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: MdpCtrl failed to setOverlay, restoring last known good ov info
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: == Bad OVInfo is:  mdp_overlay z=0 fg=1 alpha=255 mask=-1 flags=0x40000 id=-1
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: src msmfb_img w=32 h=32 format=15 MDP_RGBX_8888
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=8 h=8
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=1080 h=1920
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: == Last good known OVInfo is:  mdp_overlay z=0 fg=0 alpha=0 mask=0 flags=0x0 id=-1
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: src msmfb_img w=0 h=0 format=0 MDP_RGB_565
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: src_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=0 h=0
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: dst_rect mdp_rect x=0 y=0 w=0 h=0
02-02 23:04:16.247 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: MdpCtrl Lkgo ov has id -1, will not restore
02-02 23:04:16.247 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:16.257 218-218/? E/qdoverlay: Ctrl commit failed set overlay
02-02 23:04:16.257 218-218/? E/qdhwcomposer: configureLowRes: commit failed for low res panel
02-02 23:04:16.597 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:16.997 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:19.260 1514-1514/? E/MP-Decision: Signal: release boost performance
02-02 23:04:21.091 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:21.442 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:21.892 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:23.194 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:25.506 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onInitialize, uniqueId = 5513
02-02 23:04:25.506 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onSetOnInfoListener: uniqueId = 5513
02-02 23:04:25.506 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onOpenDecryptSession, fd = 11
02-02 23:04:25.506 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugInImp: PRDRMPluginAPI::OpenSession
02-02 23:04:25.506 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onTerminate, uniqueId = 5513
02-02 23:04:25.536 222-20985/? E/AwesomePlayer: LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
02-02 23:04:25.546 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onInitialize, uniqueId = 7456
02-02 23:04:25.546 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onSetOnInfoListener: uniqueId = 7456
02-02 23:04:25.546 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onOpenDecryptSession, fd = 11
02-02 23:04:25.546 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugInImp: PRDRMPluginAPI::OpenSession
02-02 23:04:25.546 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onTerminate, uniqueId = 7456
02-02 23:04:25.576 222-20988/? E/AwesomePlayer: LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
02-02 23:04:25.586 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onInitialize, uniqueId = 5181
02-02 23:04:25.586 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onSetOnInfoListener: uniqueId = 5181
02-02 23:04:25.586 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onOpenDecryptSession, fd = 11
02-02 23:04:25.586 220-9151/? E/PRDrmPlugInImp: PRDRMPluginAPI::OpenSession
02-02 23:04:25.586 220-655/? E/PRDrmPlugIn: PRDrmPlugin::onTerminate, uniqueId = 5181
02-02 23:04:25.616 222-20991/? E/AwesomePlayer: LPAPlayer::Clip duration setting of less than 30sec not supported, defaulting to 60sec
02-02 23:04:25.746 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  ctrl_fd = 57
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: Errno:22
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  opened, break out while loop
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  after while loop
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  2
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  ds_fd = 58
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: Errno:22
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  opened, break out while loop
02-02 23:04:25.836 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_open:  after while loop for domain socket open
02-02 23:04:25.846 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: imx091_process_start:192 library process_start
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm0: ub_offset 0 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm1: ub_offset 131 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm2: ub_offset 262 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm3: ub_offset 393 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm4: ub_offset 524 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm5: ub_offset 655 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.856 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: wm6: ub_offset 786 ub_size 130
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 0, poll_type = 1, read fd = 59, write fd = 60
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 1, poll_type = 1, read fd = 61, write fd = 62
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 2, poll_type = 1, read fd = 63, write fd = 64
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 3, poll_type = 1, read fd = 65, write fd = 66
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 4, poll_type = 1, read fd = 67, write fd = 68
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 5, poll_type = 1, read fd = 69, write fd = 70
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 6, poll_type = 1, read fd = 71, write fd = 72
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 7, poll_type = 1, read fd = 73, write fd = 74
02-02 23:04:25.866 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 8, poll_type = 1, read fd = 75, write fd = 76
02-02 23:04:25.876 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_poll_thread_launch: ch_type = 9, poll_type = 0, read fd = 77, write fd = 78
02-02 23:04:25.876 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: ASUS PAD Landscape = 0
02-02 23:04:25.876 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.876 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.876 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.876 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.876 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_ch_util_reg_buf_cb: Trying to register
02-02 23:04:25.876 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_ch_util_reg_buf_cb: Done register
02-02 23:04:25.876 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_ch_util_reg_buf_cb: Trying to register
02-02 23:04:25.876 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: mm_camera_ch_util_reg_buf_cb: Done register
02-02 23:04:25.896 20795-20912/com.YourCompany.basesample E/Camera-JNI: param_size=4146
02-02 23:04:25.896 20795-20912/com.YourCompany.basesample E/Camera-JNI: J param_size=4146
02-02 23:04:25.916 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.916 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.916 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.916 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.936 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_command_ops cmd_type = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_set_params: begin, axi_obj_idx = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_config: begin
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_vfe_config: begin
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: current target is not 8930
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_vfe_config: Primary Y, wm = 0!!
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_vfe_config: Primary CbCr, wm = 1!!
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_vfe_config:Primary image format 1
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_vfe_config: AXI Config
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busCmd = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busCfg = 44738417
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output xbarCfg0 = 512
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output xbarCfg1 = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busWrSkipCfg = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: configure_wm_registers: axi channel write master 0 config
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busUbOffset = 0
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busUbDepth = 863
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output buslinesPerImage = 239
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busdwordsPerLine = 19
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busburstLength = 3
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busbufferNumRows = 239
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busrowIncrement = 40
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: configure_wm_registers: axi channel write master 1 config
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busUbOffset = 864
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busUbDepth = 55
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output buslinesPerImage = 119
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busdwordsPerLine = 19
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busburstLength = 3
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busbufferNumRows = 119
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: AXI Output busrowIncrement = 40
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_config AXI Configuration success 
02-02 23:04:25.956 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_command_ops cmd_type = 1
02-02 23:04:26.196 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:26.267 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: Randy get first SOF from kernel
02-02 23:04:26.267 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_reg_update: write master 0 is active
02-02 23:04:26.267 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_reg_update: write master 1 is active
02-02 23:04:26.307 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: config_proc_CAMERA_SET_PARM_AUTO_FOCUS_ISP +++
02-02 23:04:26.307 237-21020/? E/mm-camera: fjm6mo_AF_start_thread +++
02-02 23:04:26.317 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: config_proc_CAMERA_SET_PARM_AUTO_FOCUS_ISP ---
02-02 23:04:26.317 237-21020/? E/mm-camera: fjm6mo_AF_start_thread ---
02-02 23:04:26.397 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:26.397 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:26.417 20795-20806/com.YourCompany.basesample E/BufferQueue: [unnamed-20795-0] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (2) exceeded (dequeued=6 undequeudCount=0)
02-02 23:04:26.417 20795-20806/com.YourCompany.basesample E/BufferQueue: [unnamed-20795-0] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (2) exceeded (dequeued=5 undequeudCount=1)
02-02 23:04:26.427 20795-20795/com.YourCompany.basesample A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x64e96000 (code=2), thread 20795 ()
02-02 23:04:26.647 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:27.197 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:27.448 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:27.578 222-21006/? E/Surface: queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32
02-02 23:04:27.578 222-21006/? E/Surface: queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32
02-02 23:04:27.578 222-21006/? E/Surface: queueBuffer: error queuing buffer to SurfaceTexture, -32
02-02 23:04:27.578 222-19590/? E/mm-libcamera2: PROFILE HAL: stopPreview(): E: 1486073067.587750897
02-02 23:04:27.578 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_command_ops cmd_type = 2
02-02 23:04:27.598 819-967/? E/InputDispatcher: channel '42b3ce08 com.YourCompany.basesample/com.epicgames.ue4.GameActivity (server)' ~ Channel is unrecoverably broken and will be disposed!
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 0
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 1
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 2
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 3
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 4
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 5
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_proc_unregister_wms: Releasing write master 6
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: config_process_MSG_ID_PREV_STOP_ACK:
02-02 23:04:27.618 237-21003/? E/mm-camera: axi_command_ops cmd_type = 3
02-02 23:04:27.638 819-960/? E/Sensors: Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 22
02-02 23:04:27.658 819-960/? E/Sensors: Error while trying to enable 9 axis sensor fusion : 22
02-02 23:04:27.698 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:27.698 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:28.008 1236-1440/? E/GooglePlayServicesUtil: The Google Play services resources were not found. Check your project configuration to ensure that the resources are included.
02-02 23:04:28.449 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid
02-02 23:04:28.699 1514-1538/? E/MP-Decision: Error pm-qos file descriptor invalid

02-02 23:19:23.021 21362-21362/com.YourCompany.basesample A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x64e96000 (code=2), thread 21362 ()

thanks in advance for your help !

Hi! Have you solved this? I am struggling tooā€¦

Can you please make another log with:
adb.exe logcat -s UE4 -s Debug

The provided one is too general, I need to see UE4 related things only.


Hi . Iā€™m still having trouble with the device number setting (from 20 post above) and thought Iā€™d revisit your demo.

In ARPlugin_PERSONAL_v1_6R3 - the Sample Project appears to be incomplete. The readme file is missing - found a copy in an old download of 1.3.

Iā€™m not getting the Init crash on the new sample project - not sure what the problem is but will keep looking.

hey there !
sorry didn t filtre it !
here you are !

02-05 11:39:25.516 13752-13757/? E/jdwp: Failed writing handshake bytes: Broken pipe (-1 of 14)
02-05 11:39:28.419 13752-13795/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer-JNI: QCMediaPlayer mediaplayer NOT present
02-05 11:39:28.609 13752-13795/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer: stop called in state 1
02-05 11:39:28.609 13752-13795/com.YourCompany.basesample E/MediaPlayer: error (-38, 0)
02-05 11:39:41.332 13752-13795/com.YourCompany.basesample E/Camera-JNI: param_size=4146
02-05 11:39:41.332 13752-13795/com.YourCompany.basesample E/Camera-JNI: J param_size=4146
02-05 11:39:41.852 13752-13765/com.YourCompany.basesample E/BufferQueue: [unnamed-13752-0] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (2) exceeded (dequeued=6 undequeudCount=0)
02-05 11:39:41.862 13752-13764/com.YourCompany.basesample E/BufferQueue: [unnamed-13752-0] dequeueBuffer: min undequeued buffer count (2) exceeded (dequeued=5 undequeudCount=1)
02-05 11:39:41.872 13752-13752/com.YourCompany.basesample A/libc: Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0x64ea9000 (code=2), thread 13752 ()

Iā€™ve been trying to download the ZIP file ( but I get this message: ā€œFile does not exist. Make sure you specified correct file name.ā€. This also happens with the plugin with NFT feature and MAC OSX support (

Please, Can you give the links to download both files? I really want to try them.

Thank you.

Error log

Hi,I use DEMO version of Plugin then I follow through this step

"Setup your iOS development enviroment,

  • unreal engine editor (4.10, 4.11, 4.12 or later)* (I use 4.14 version)*
  • Create a new C++ code project without starter content (I create the name of project same as ARSample.uproject)
  • Copy all files from SampleProject*(Include ARSample.uproject)* directory to your new project directory >*click replace (while UE4.14 open C++ blank Project) *
  • In UE4 editor File -> Refresh xcode project (optional)
  • Exit from unreal engine editor
  • your new project from epic launcher* (in my case warning message popup that artoolkit plugin module not found)*
  • Click on rebuild missing DLLs when prompted
  • Go to edit -> project settings -> iOS and import your mobile provision and certificate files
  • Press the ā€œ on iOS deviceā€ button"

and when I lunch on my iPad 2 this error log has shown

LogPlayLevel: Completed  On Stage: Cooking in the editor, Time: 7.749195
LogPlayLevel: Running AutomationTool...
LogPlayLevel: Setting up Mono
LogPlayLevel: Start UAT: mono AutomationTool.exe -ScriptsForProject=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject BuildCookRun -project=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor -utf8output -platform=IOS -build -map=/Game/Maps/ARToolki
tSimple -skipcook -iterativecooking -compressed -iterativedeploy -stage -deploy -cmdline=/Game/Maps/ARToolkitSimple -Messaging -device=IOS@e0c2c75bc1b469aa2e1c79905e3089048c87a131 -addcmdline=-SessionId=B1A0EF60F74C0FBC64EBF0A23B2648E5 -SessionOwner='oyl' -SessionName=' On Device'  -run
LogPlayLevel: Automation.ParseCommandLine: Parsing command line: -ScriptsForProject=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject BuildCookRun -project=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject -noP4 -clientconfig=Development -serverconfig=Development -nocompile -nocompileeditor -installed -ue4exe=UE4Editor -utf8output -platform=IOS -build -map=/Ga
me/Maps/ARToolkitSimple -skipcook -iterativecooking -compressed -iterativedeploy -stage -deploy -cmdline="/Game/Maps/ARToolkitSimple -Messaging" -device=IOS@e0c2c75bc1b469aa2e1c79905e3089048c87a131 -addcmdline="-SessionId=B1A0EF60F74C0FBC64EBF0A23B2648E5 -SessionOwner='oyl' -SessionName=' On Device' " -run
LogPlayLevel: Automation.Process: Setting up command environment.
LogPlayLevel: BuildCookRun.SetupParams: Setting up ProjectParams for /Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject
LogPlayLevel: Project.Build: ********** BUILD COMMAND STARTED **********
LogPlayLevel: Completed  On Stage: Build Task, Time: 6.580375
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: mono "/Applications/UE_4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe" ARSample IOS Development -Project=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject  /Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject  -remoteini="/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample" -noxge -generatemanifest -nocreatestub -NoHotReload
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: Compiling with iPhoneOS SDK 10.2
LogPlayLevel: UnrealBuildTool: ERROR: Couldn't find module rules file for module 'ARToolkitPlugin'.
LogPlayLevel: CommandUtils.Run: Run: Took 8.503247s to run mono, ExitCode=5
LogPlayLevel: Program.: ERROR: AutomationTool terminated with exception: AutomationTool.CommandUtils+CommandFailedException: Command failed (Result:5): /Applications/UE_4.14/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe ARSample IOS Development -Project=/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject  /Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample/ARSample.uproject  -remo
teini="/Applications/UE_4.14/ARSample" -noxge -generatemanifest -nocreatestub -NoHotReload. See logfile for details: 'UnrealBuildTool-2017.02.06-18.21.09.txt'
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog (System.String App, System.String CommandLine, System.String Logfile, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, System.String Input, ERunOptions Options, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 EnvVars, AutomationTool.SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunAndLog (AutomationTool.CommandEnvironment Env, System.String App, System.String CommandLine, System.String LogName, Int32 MaxSuccessCode, System.String Input, ERunOptions Options, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 EnvVars, AutomationTool.SpewFilterCallbackType SpewFilterCallback) [0x00000] in <filename 
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT (AutomationTool.CommandEnvironment Env, System.String UBTExecutable, System.String CommandLine, System.String LogName, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 EnvVars) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.CommandUtils.RunUBT (AutomationTool.CommandEnvironment Env, System.String UBTExecutable, UnrealBuildTool.FileReference Project, System.String Target, System.String Platform, System.String Config, System.String AdditionalArgs, System.String LogName, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 EnvVars) [0x00000] in <filename unkno
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.UE4Build.BuildWithUBT (System.String TargetName, UnrealTargetPlatform TargetPlatform, System.String Config, UnrealBuildTool.FileReference UprojectPath, Boolean ForceMonolithic, Boolean ForceNonUnity, Boolean ForceDebugInfo, Boolean ForceFlushMac, Boolean DisableXGE, System.String InAddArgs, Boolean ForceUnity, System.Collect
ions..Dictionary`2 EnvVars) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.UE4Build.Build (AutomationTool.BuildAgenda Agenda, Nullable`1 InDeleteBuildProducts, Boolean InUpdateVersionFiles, Boolean InForceNoXGE, Boolean InUseParallelExecutor, Boolean InForceNonUnity, Boolean InForceUnity, Boolean InShowProgress, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 PlatformEnvVars, Nullable`1 InChangelistNumberO
verride, System.Collections..Dictionary`2 InTargetToManifest) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at Project.Build (AutomationTool.BuildCommand Command, AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params, Int32 WorkingCL, ProjectBuildTargets TargetMask) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at BuildCookRun.DoBuildCookRun (AutomationTool.ProjectParams Params) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at BuildCookRun.ExecuteBuild () [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.BuildCommand.Execute () [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.Automation.Execute (System.Collections..List`1 CommandsToExecute, Tools.DotNETCommon.CaselessDictionary.CaselessDictionary`1 Commands) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.Automation.Process (System.String] Arguments) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.Program.MainProc (System.Object Param) [0x00000] in &lt;filename unknown&gt;:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.InternalUtils.RunSingleInstance (System.Func`2 , System.Object Param) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
LogPlayLevel:   at AutomationTool.Program. () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
LogPlayLevel: Program.: AutomationTool exiting with ExitCode=5 (5)
LogPlayLevel: Completed  On Stage: Build Task, Time: 7.852429
LogPlayLevel: RunUAT ERROR: AutomationTool was unable to run successfully.
PackagingResults:Error: Error  failed! Unknown Error

I am not sure that i follow this STEP truly ,Guide me where i can find tutorial VDO how to start with this SampleAR project and run on my ipad please.

How do I make the animation pause whenever the marker is lost, and continue when the marker comes back into view?

I tried using pause function, but that also pauses the camera feed.

Hello , I bought the full version 249$. And I fllow the articel: " a. Windows platform
Install Visual Studio 2015 ā€“ community editions are also working
unreal engine editor (4.11, 4.12, 4.13 or later)
Create a new C++ code project without starter content"

In UE4 editor File -> Refresh visual studio project (optional)
Exit from unreal engine editor
your new project from epic launcher""

Click on rebuild missing DLLs when prompted , after this step ;

there were some errors; My_projectName could not be compiled .try rebuilding from source manually;
PS: 4.13 release version; I am sure I copy the ARsample form 4.13 ARsample

error message.png

When I generate VS project files, The errors are as follows:
Running F:/UnrealEngine-4.13_Preview_NVIDIA_Techs/Engine/Binaries/DotNET/UnrealBuildTool.exe -projectfiles -project=ā€œF:/UE4_Project/Pack_toolkit13/Pack_toolkit13.uprojectā€ -game -engine -progress
Discovering modules, targets and source code for projectā€¦
ERROR: Couldnā€™t find module rules file for module ā€˜ARToolkitPluginā€™.


I am 99% sure that you copied something to the wrong place. Can you post a screenshot of you directory structure ?

Webcam init error even with Plist value added

I has already added the PList values for camera access and the app asks for permission for camera access which I allow. Still getting ā€œWebCam init errorā€

Hi , hi !

How do I make my 3D Model stay at his last known position when the marker is lost, and start tracking again when the marker comes back into view?
Iā€™ve followed these steps :

  1. Open the level blueprint and locate the ā€œset hidden in game nodeā€
  2. Disconnect the new hidden pin and set it to false
  3. It wonā€™t disappear if the marker is not visible.

But the 3d Model seems to get back to 0,0,0 and not the last know position when it last had seen the tracker.

How can I fix that?

Thanks in advance,


Hi and!

I wonder if this plugin could support the video capture card? Or is there any other solution for my project that the video stream from a remote quadcopter have to be transmitted to unreal engine as texture? Now I use a video capture card to receive the video and get the image using a C++ API. But I have no idea how can I transfer the pixel buffer variable into the texture that could be used in unreal engine.
Anyone know the answer?

Thanks, Iā€™ll try it with some webcam splitter or similar software

PD: It works!! Itā€™s strange, Iā€™ve tested some time ago with only Manycam software installed and didā€™nt work (I think so), now Iā€™ve installed WebCamSplitter and works (with ManyCam thatā€™s free, or with shareware Webcamspliiter)

Note: Itā€™s important to set Device Orientation is inā€œLandscapeā€ in node ā€œINITā€ of the blueprint, otherwise the demo chair ā€œfloatsā€ over the marker when you move it (with a PS3 Eyecam running at 640x480)

Itā€™s possible to see the code (or to download the source) of " demo" ?

Good job!

hi there. i have a decklink card in my computer. and the plugin sees it (try several dev num to find it, an tick the ā€œshow pinā€ to identify it) didnā€™t try it with an input for now, but it seems that every hardware that windows sees as video input can be used with the plugin. iā€™ll test the decklink this week and tell you

Thank you ~I have tested that and it works @expose

Hi ļ¼Œ I bought a personal version. I want to integrate your plugin with my existing project. Can your plugin works as a normal plugin that I only add it to the plugin folder,then I can use the blueprint node in blueprint graph?
I think I canā€™t do as your guide because it needs me copy the entire contents to my existing projects. I think it will influence my existing project. Right?
How can I make it work?
When I use your plugin in my experimental blueprint, and play it. The editor will crash. And in the error log, shows as following, everything stops at init started.. But the free sample project works well.
my experimental blueprint is like this:
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:025][124]LogPlayLevel: Creating play world package: /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonExampleMap
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:055][124]LogPlayLevel: PIE: StaticDuplicateObject took: (0.029659s)
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:056][124]LogAIModule: Creating AISystem for world FirstPersonExampleMap
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:056][124]LogPlayLevel: PIE: World Init took: (0.001411s)
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:057][124]LogPlayLevel: PIE: Created PIE world by copying editor world from /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap to /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap (0.031567s)
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:081][124]LogInit: XAudio2 using ā€˜Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio)ā€™ : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 16 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:091][124]LogInit: FAudioDevice initialized.
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:127][124]LogLoad: Game class is ā€˜FirstPersonGameMode_Cā€™
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:130][124]LogWorld: Bringing World /Game/FirstPersonBP/Maps/UEDPIE_0_FirstPersonExampleMap.FirstPersonExampleMap up for play (tick rate 0) at 2017.02.14-16.20.15
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:130][124]LogWorld: Bringing up level for play took: 0.001892
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:132][124]ARToolkit: Android orientation: Landscape
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:165][124]ARToolkit: USB2.0 PC CAMERA

[2017.02.14-08.20.15:167][124]ARToolkit: Device path: \?\usb#vid_18ec&pid_5850&mi_00#6&3363d1ac&0&0000#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global

[2017.02.14-08.20.15:167][124]ARToolkit: Number of webcams: 1
[2017.02.14-08.20.15:167][124]ARToolkit: Init started

Then if I restarted the engine, the information log will say:
error /Game/FirstPersonBP/Blueprints/FirstPersonCharacter : cannā€™t find file of resource怂 /Script/ARToolkitPlugin
load error: /Script/ARToolkitPlugin.ARToolkitComponent quoter: K2Node_VariableGet_1479
load error /Script/ARToolkitPlugin.EArPatternDetectionMode quoter K2Node_CallFunction_128
load error /Script/ARToolkitPlugin.EDeviceOrientation quoter K2Node_CallFunction_128


You can find a tutorial on the link below to setup everything from scratch.


Thanks for your timely help!
I have build the plugin successfully and the intermediate folder come up in the plugin folder. But when I put it in the plugins folder of the engine, why the editor plugins does not contain it? It should contain all the plugins put under the /plugin folder, right?