Audio Volumes - Demystify this PLEASE!

I CANNOT for the life of me get an Audio Volume to do anything. Here’s my setup…

  1. I’ve placed a large Audio Volume in my level

  2. In the Details Panel (with the Audio Volume selected) I have set “Apply Reverb” = TRUE, “Reverb Effect” = Cave, “Reverb Volume” = 0.2. I’ve also set the “Interior Volume” = 5.0 just to try to get SOMETHING to take effect.

  3. I’ve place the “Starter_Music_Cue” asset into my level and have NOT adjusted any settings on that.

  4. The “Starter_Music_Cue” uses the “Master” Sound Class, so I opened that “Master” Sound Class up and checked the “Apply Ambient Volume” box and saved this change.

  5. I ran my Third Person Character into my Audio Volume and didn’t hear ANY change whatsoever to the “Starter_Music_Cue” music that was playing in my level.

What am I missing?

Audio volumes are triggered by listener position, so ensure that not just the pawn, but also the camera pov itself is in the volume - its unlikely this tbh but always a good starting point

Is your starter music cue inside the Volume, or outside?

Ack! That was it! My Starter Music sound cue was JUST outside of my Audio Volume.

Thanks for the help here, Steve!

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No worries, glad to help :+1:t3: