I’ve got an audio visualizer set up to alter the transformation of BSPs placed within my level. Easy-enough process. The problem here is that when my track reaches the end (~60 secs) and begins a new loop, the BSPs completely stop resizing even though the nodes in my Blueprint are still activating when shown in the debug view.
I’ve tried so many ways of looping the audio visualizer nodes to make sure the BSPs keep resizing until I want the game to end, but to no avail: Looping via delay node, setting a timer to re-initialize the whole process by getting all actors once, and then going through the frequency/amplitude loop again at the time my audio is supposed to loop, and, my most recent attempt has been to try and set up two timers to alternate starting the whole calculate spectrum process and loop it that way. No matter what I do, my BSPs stop transforming when the song reaches its end time. Can anyone help me out, or is this something I just can’t do with the Frequency/Amplitude nodes as of now?
I’m not that familiar with the Sound Visualization plugin but from the look of your blueprint, you seem to be passing it a continually increasing amount of time. The time is treated as a point in the sound data to start at, it cannot automatically figure out that the sound has looped, it will just clamp the start time to the end of the sound.
I would probably recommend starting your own timer to pass to the Calculate Spectrum node and reset it whenever the sound loops/reaches the length of the track. Or to keep using the game/audio time, run the output through a Modulus node (Search for % in the node creation menu) with the length of the sound, which will ensure that the number remains in the range of the track.
Ahh, I think that did it! Applied the modulo and restructured my looping system. Now the sound visualization continues working and loops as long as the sound file continues looping. And this works infinitely.
Thanks a million! BP pics attached just in case anyone else happens to have this problem in the future.