Audio Sync issues when playing the game


I have an animated Metahuman in scene with its own exported Level Sequence which contains the audio track linked with the skeletal mesh actor. The audio works nearly perfectly in line when it’s being played in the sequencer. However, when I play the game, there’s a considerable audio video synching issue (most of the time it lags when compared to the lip movements); very rarely the audio works almost perfectly with the animation.

I’ve also packaged the project, and have been observing the same problems.

Has anyone else faced this or know of any fix that might work?

PS. This is a VR enabled project.

If you haven’t already, you should use the audio clock as the Clock Source to drive Sequencer:

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Thank you, this worked! I noticed that the clock source was reset to use the audio clock during processing which is why there wasn’t any difference or lag in the Metahuman performance.