Which kind of blueprint I need when i want to make slider which can adjust sound volume in unreal widget
I am not sure but I thing there is no official Blueprint node to adjust game audio. I made a Blueprint node for it in my free Plugin but you need to use it on Event Tick, I didn’t find any other way to do it https://forums.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?119466-BlueManBPFunctionLibrary
So someone correct me if I am wrong. From what I understand is that you will need to make a sound class. If you are making a master volume control you will likely need to make a sound class for all sounds in game. Then make a sound mix for that sound class. Access that sound mix and then use the slider to effect its volume setting.
Here is a reference from where I am getting this info. Working with Audio in Unreal Engine | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation
Yes that I mean. I have one sound in game, vehicle kind of sound and is target that player can adjust sound volume in settings menu