Audio not playing in editor UE5.3 and 5.1

I’m unable to play any wavs or sound cues and not getting any audio in editor or while playing game in editor. This is happening in all my unreal projects. My drivers are up to date. Sound is enabled in editor preferences.

This is just one warning message but I it happens when trying to play any wav file

LogAudio: Warning: FSoundWaveData::LoadZerothChunk: Unsuccessful load of zeroth chunk from DDC. Asset requires manual re-cook.
Asset: ‘name_of_wav_file’

I managed to figure out what was causing the issue. The settings for the derived data cache were pointing to an external drive that wasn’t plugged in… leaving the question up just in case anyone makes my mistake.

I ran into the same issue. UE 5.2 & 5.3 across new projects and ones set up for mobile, etc. Whenever I’d click on a Wav or Cue, it would act like it registered a click and stop immediately without playing any sounds. Nor did they work when called via blueprints or other actors to play.

I had to go to Editor Preferences > General > Global, and the settings for DDC Path. Global ones were pointing to Program Files/Epic Games/UnrealEngine/Derived Data Caches/Local & …/Shared, which was fine.

Project Local DDC Path was blank, which is apparently fine on UE 4.27, but not UE5. I set the directory for Project Local DDC Path to “[MyProjectFolder]/DerivedDataCache” and the sound cues played as desired in the Editor!