Audio localization issue

Hello guys/girls! We are having problems with audio localization in our game.

The pipeline we follow is creating dialogue waves in an arbitrary folder, reference spanish wav files in those dialogues, then we right click on the dialogues and select asset localization and select the culture we want to localize it for. Then we go to the dialogue file in that culture and make it use a wav file of the language for that culture, instead of the one it was using.

The problem we get is dialogues are mixed and mingled. When we change the game culture, some dialogues are translated, and others are not.

Could someone give some tips with this? What would be the exact pipeline to follow in the localization dashboard? Our audios are already translated. We just need the implementation in-game.

Thank you so much in advance.


Are you changing the game culture at runtime? Hot-reloading of assets at runtime isn’t something that happens, so if any audio was loaded before the switch, it will remain loaded after the culture change until something triggers it to reload.

If you’re seeing the issue on a clean boot though, then either something is applying the culture too late (are you using our standard culture setting?), or your assets are wrong somehow.

Hey Jamie, thanks a lot for replying.

It’s a clean boot, of course. We know hot-reload doesn’t work that way. The audio assets are well set, because some English audios are being played but others just don’t (I have checked this several times). We are using your standard cultures and the pipeline followed is the one I explained on first post.

We are localizing Dialogue Waves. Is that ok or we need to localize the sound waves/sound cues?

What would be the exact pipeline to localize the audio assets, please? The docs don’t explain anything about this area or I haven’t found it.

Thanks a lot.


It should just be a case of localizing the Dialogue Waves, that’s what our Audio Localization tools do at least (a localized Dialogue Wave, referencing culture-specific Sound Waves).

We do have some tools to help with Audio Localization, but they’re really designed that you use them from the get-go (they handle things like creating Dialogue Sheets for recording, and batch iterative importing of recorded data and dialogue amendments).

Since you already have your dialogue, you’ll just have to do that part by hand, but it sounds like what you’re doing is already correct as it’s just a case of creating localized assets. So if your source Dialogue Wave was “/Game/Dialogue/HelloWorld” and you wanted to localize it for German, you’d create “/Game/L10N/de/Dialogue/HelloWorld” (which the Asset Localization menu will do for you), and point it to reference the German Sound Waves (which may also be under L10N/de, but don’t have to be overrides of specific assets).

How are you testing this? Cooked game, editor in -game, or PIE? (asset localization doesn’t work with PIE).

Hey! Thanks a lot again!

Yeah, that’s what we do. We are gonna try deleting everything and starting all over but we don’t really know what happens… And yes, we’re trying this on standalone mode and/or a package on PS4. Could be something of how the culture is set at the beginning of the game or something like that? The weird thing is that some audios work and others don’t.

Regards, Jovimaca.