[Audio] Local audio effects on listener

Hello everyone. I’m pretty new to UE and want to start with blueprints.
I’m trying to implement a buffed effect, where the player can run faster fpr a few seconds.
What I’ve done so far is that I can control the local post process effects of the first person controller blueprint.
I change the saturation and contrast based on the state the buff is in.

Now I want to add some kind of audio effects. When I am buffed, the sound should be dulled/muted.
When the buff expires, it should be back to normal.

Unfortunately I can’t find anything in the docs about changing to global audio listening effects via blueprints.

Okay I think I’ve solved it :smiley:

I created a SoundClass called MASTER, which holds every other class as a child.
Then I created a SoundMix, which applies EQ settings on MASTER.

In the BP, I created this snippet


The upper part plays a sound and applies the effect afterward.
The lower part plays a sound and reverts the modifier.

If you know another way to do this, I’d be happy to read it :wink: