I have certain audio files that do not play correctly on android that plays correctly on PC. one is a door slam and on the android device it gets all distorted. Another is background music and it doesn’t play at all. On PC in mobile preview it works fine.
Hey ,
Could you provide me a sample audio sound that you’re using? If you do not want to share it to the public, you can provide me a link in a private message on the forums, or you can upload the URL here and change the options on the message to only be seen by certain people.
How are you setting up your audio? If you’re using blueprint or code, you should provide that information as well.
Are you able to replicate this in a new project? What about in 4.12 preview?
Looking forward to hearing back from you, thanks!
I haven’t tried it in 4.12. Most of the audio works just fine, and all of it works fine on PC, it’s just either not playing or playing wrong in Android.
I’ve tried setting it up a few different ways. Ive added it to the level as an ambient noise, I’ve tried adding it to the player character, I think currently it’s being spawn through the level blueprint.
This one wont play at all. I’ve checked the format type and all the usual suspects. Again, works on pc, but not android.
This one plays noise and just sounds like a buzz. Again, fine on PC
I have verified that these sounds are working within the small sample project I pushed to a . Can you tell me the type of device you’re working on? And show me screenshots of how you have your sound actually set up?
I’m testing it on a samsung galaxy s6.
I’ve actually found out its playing but VERY quietly. It’s way louder and cleaner on PC.
I’ve tried it several different ways, but this is how I have a different sound wired into the main menu and it works fine.
So, when I am testing I just add the “Add Audio Component” to an “Event BeginPlay” node. The music continues to play for as long as the clip is. The door slams too. I did not add any delays or any other nodes to it. With that being said, I tested on a Note 4, and Nexus 9. Each phone played the audio at the correct volume it should be based on the setting with each device.
Do you notice a difference if you change the way your blueprint is set up?
Could it be the cooker? it works on PC, so maybe its not a blueprint issue or a problem with the source asset. Right now everything is at default. Is there a way I can set the compression type for just that sound? I think I can change it globally. Is there a best compression type for android for sound? ogg or adpcm?
I had it that way before with no success.
I swapped out the audio with a different audio and it plays just fine, so it has to be something with the audio file asset, not a blueprint error.
tried blowing out my intermediate files and rebuilding, tried copying a working unreal asset, redirect to the sound file, and re-import, tried the different sound compression setting in the packaging options, and still the same problem. Audio is WAY quieter on android than on pc to the point I can only hear it if I put the speaker right to my ear. If I switch out the audio in the blueprint, the new audio plays just fine. so there has to be something with that audio file on my machine (since it seems to work on your end) thats getting fubared. My assets setting for both a working audio file and the screwed up one are the same since I copied one over and reset it, so I don’t know.
Yes, I heard the sound from the Android device without any trouble. It’s possible that your device doesn’t like how that specific file was created. Perhaps you could find another of the same music and push it to your device?
Have you tried this on a different version of the engine yet, to see if there is a sound difference?
Hey ,
We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.
Thank you!
nope, still an issue. still plays correctly on pc but not on the device
Have you tried a different version of the engine yet? If so, were there any differences?
Keep in mind that deeper sounds won’t be audible on phone speakers. I know that’s probably not the case for you but I thought I’d mention it.
I’m also currently experiencing some very unusual sound issues. My sounds seem much higher pitched than usual, but only some. I have one that’s a subtle click, as if tapping a pencil on wood and when played over Android it sounds like a small dog barking.
I’m using the Play Sound 2d node. Are you running a custom OS/ROM on your phone?
I’ll do some experimenting and update you if I find anything.
I converted my audio to 24.00 kHz 16bit stereo and the issue went away. I think you can safely use higher frequencies.
trying to test it on 4.12, but I can’t get the project to build (separate issue, separate thread). Hopefully I can check it on 4.12 soon.
its currently 16 bit at a higher frequency. I could try lowering the frequency and see what happens. Maybe if I can get it to compile on 4.12 and it’s still there, I’ll try that.
Don’t bother updating to 4.12 just yet. 4.12.1 and 4.12.2 has some serious issues. A lot of people can’t even work on their project at the moment.
How is the audio on 4.12.2?
okay, latest build and the music works. Still version 4.11, hadn’t changed the source asset or the UAsset, but now it work magically.
Still haven’t gotten 4.12 to build to android. Can build to ios with it and it seems to work fine there, but still trying to get 4.12 to work on pc for android