Audio Crackles at low volume sections.

I have several different audios (background music triggered by a trigger volume, sound cue triggered by trigger volume, and even my footstep sounds) that have a crackle like the audio sample is clipping. I’m a sound engineer, so I know the source samples are not clipping.

Furthermore, the preview of the sounds do not crackle in the content drawer. This is only happening in the level during play mode.

The background music was doing it in a cathedral room with a reverb volume, but the music is 2D and not reverb send enabled.

The phone ringing sound cue is in a kitchen inside a reverb volume.

Footsteps are sound attenuated but not spatialized.

As mentioned, it’s really noticeable when sound is trailing off to a quiet part. For example, after the phone stops ringing and the “ding” of the bell is trailing off.

The only tip I could find in this was “Sequencer.Audio.UseAudioClockForAudio Desync 1” and that did not work.

What do I do?!