I’m playing footstep sounds through a line trace Blueprint, and sound is cutting off when I enter a NavModifierVolume.
I changed collision to IgnoreOnlyPawn and my sound worked.
I need to have the pawn recognised as I enter, so is this a bug or can I solve this somehow?
I’ve replicated the bug with another volume to check it wasn’t a one off.
Thanks for your time
Hey NJ Apostol,
Would you mind providing me with some reproducible steps in a blank empty project so I can test and verify this issue on my end as well?
Some screenshots of your blueprint graph on how you are setting up the line trace and getting the sound to play would be very helpful as well.
Thanks so much for getting back to me.
This is the Blueprint in the character Anim Graph.
If you drag and drop the NavModiferVolume in the world, by default the sounds cut out when you walk through it.
When I change the collision from block all to ignore only pawn then it doesn’t cut the sound out.
I hope this helps,
Cheers, NJ
Hey NJ Apostol,
I am attempting to reproduce the issue you are reporting, but need a bit more information. I have followed the set up you provided, but it seems you have added a custom event called ‘AnimNotify_Run’ which I do not have the information on what this custom event is doing.
Would you mind showing me how you have your custom event set up, as well as the set up for your scene within the editor when testing with the Nav Volume?
Thank you,
Hi Andrew,
Sorry the picture isn’t great.
Here is where I have the event. Its an anim notify in the my character animation.
It calls every time the foot contacts the ground and the trace looks for the the physical material.
All of this works perfectly. it’s just that when I walk through the volume that all sound cuts out. the footsteps are just one example but on testing it further, no sounds work in the world.
Does this help at all?
Cheers, NJ
We are almost there as far as information needed. I need to see the process you took when creating the custom event ‘AnimNotfy_Run’ so that you were able to call this within your event graph of your Animation Blueprint. There are various ways to set this up and each way functions differently as mentioned in the documentation below.
Animation Notifies
I just tested a simple ‘EventHit’ within the CharacterBlueprint to play a sound at location when entering a volume, and I had no problems with my sounds within the level. Although this test is not the exact same set up, the problem could lie within the way you are calling the sound to play within the Animation Blueprint.