AttributeSet GetAttributeSetInitter Null?

Hi,I intend to initialize AttributeSet using .csv file. I’m currently having trouble to getting the AttributeSetInitter using UAbilitySystemGlobals::Get().GetAttributeSetInitter(). I have called InitGlobalData() as how it is called here tranek/GASDocumentation. However, I still getting null exception at GetAttributeSetInitter(). Please help.

Hello, this is a bit late but I believe I had this same issue following that documentation, and was able to solve it by calling


right before my call to


Unfortunately this method is protected, so I just made it public in the source. Ideally we are meant to subclass this and override AllocAttributeSetInitter(). That should take care of it!

I have came up with a better solution. By calling InitGlobalData() at GameInstance as calling it in module startup etc is too early.