Hi, I’ve been trying to set up the Attribute System from UE4’s GameplayAbilities system, and I mostly followed this tutorial: https://forums.unrealengine.com/community/community-content-tools-and-tutorials/116578-comprehensive-gameplayabilities-analysis-series
However, many issues that I’ve been experiencing weren’t covered in the tutorial, and no one there has responded to my questions, so I wanted to ask here. The problem is that I am trying to use their own system which has a lot of ridiculously cumbersome ways of loading some default values from a Curve Table that is written in DefaultGame.ini
It looks like this:
for (const FSoftObjectPath& AttribDefaultTableName : GlobalAttributeSetDefaultsTableNames) {
UCurveTable* AttribTable = Cast<UCurveTable>(AttribDefaultTableName.TryLoad());
Basically, there is an FSoftObjectPath& and we are trying to use that value to TryLoad() a Curve table. I have written the table’s address in DefaultGame.ini: (my module name is Zangies but game folder is Maelstrom)
The rest of the function successfully detects that there are two curve tables and loops through them, but is not actually able to get anything back when it loads them.
This is the format that the tutorial gave me.
But when I have tried to test this, it returns nothing. I have tried other formats of checking if the TryLoad() return is valid, and I’m getting nothing.
What can I do? I don’t have any experience with this kind of loading from ini files, and I am really at a loss as to how to troubleshoot this.