Attempted to access TRASH_

The server loads a map, before any client logged in, and starts spitting these messages for a scene and a camera component of an un-possessed pawn, placed on the level:

Warning: Attempted to access TRASH_SceneComponent_5 via property ProductRoot, but TRASH_SceneComponent_5 is pending kill

For the first connected client the pawn looks and works as expected. For the second client the pawn exists (according to GetAllActorsOfClass) but it’s nowhere to be found.

The pixelstreaming plugin (not referenced anymore by the pawn mentioned above but whatever) was loaded too late during engine startup so I had to change the LoadingPhase in the .uplugin from “PostEngineInit” to “PreDefault”. Now when the “Play as Client” PIE starts with 2 players the message log doesnt have errors and warnings anymore and everything works as it should.