Attempt to cook tutorials when packaging games

When I package my project in the 4.18 preview with nativization set to “Inclusive” I get a bunch of warnings telling me not to cook editor only things:

UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/FlipbookEditorTutorial.FlipbookEditorTutorial_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Paper2D/FlipbookEditorTutorial.SKEL_FlipbookEditorTutorial_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/ParticleSystemEditorTutorial.ParticleSystemEditorTutorial_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/ParticleSystemEditorTutorial.SKEL_ParticleSystemEditorTutorial_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/LevelBlueprintEditorOverview.LevelBlueprintEditorOverview_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/LevelBlueprintEditorOverview.SKEL_LevelBlueprintEditorOverview_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview.BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview.SKEL_BlueprintMacroLibrariesEditorOverview_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_MacroLib.Tutorial_BP_MacroLib_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/BlueprintTutorials/TutorialAssets/Tutorial_BP_MacroLib.SKEL_Tutorial_BP_MacroLib_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Manage_Mode.Landscape_Manage_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Manage_Mode.SKEL_Landscape_Manage_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Sculpt_Mode.Landscape_Sculpt_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Sculpt_Mode.SKEL_Landscape_Sculpt_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Painting_Mode.Landscape_Painting_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/Landscape_Painting_Mode.SKEL_Landscape_Painting_Mode_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough.PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/SubEditors/PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough.SKEL_PersonaAnimBlueprintEditorWalkthrough_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/LandscapeWalkThrough.LandscapeWalkThrough_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.
UATHelper: Packaging (Windows (32-bit)):   LogInit: Display: LogBlueprintCodeGen: Warning: Object /Engine/Tutorial/Landscape/LandscapeWalkThrough.SKEL_LandscapeWalkThrough_C depends on Editor or Development stuff. It shouldn't be cooked.

I noticed that all of these things are located in the tutorials folder which I’m pretty sure I’m never referencing in my project. I don’t get anything like this when I package in 4.17 so I’m led to believe this was introduced in 4.18. I also don’t get the warnings if nativization is disabled. I run into the same issue if I create a new project (using the blank template), set nativization to inclusive, then package.

Hello ,

This is likely related to some requests that have come in from some users about having the option to exclude this content, although there is not an option to do that from inside the editor as of yet. This content has always been included in previous versions of the editor, you’re just getting different messaging in 4.18.

If you would like to exclude these assets however, you should be able to do so by adding these assets to UCookOnTheFlyServer::NeverCookPackageList in NeverCookPackageList::StartCookByTheBook(). This will require using a source built editor however.

I’m seeing these warnings when I attempt to nativize as well. Is there a way to fix them in a BP only project? I’m unsure if they are causing my compile to fail or if they are safe to ignore?

Hello , the feature request I entered for this has not yet been completed. Unfortunately, the method I provided would be the only way to fix this in the meantime.

Edit: They should be safe to ignore, it just means that extra things are being included that are not necessary. They should not cause any problems however.