Attacks following the pawn

Hey, so i’ve made a 3 combo animations for my character and they all have root motion with root motion enabled, i have also created a target lock system.
My issue is whenever i’m attacking the combo it’s only going in a forward direction and i’m locked and can’t move or rotate my character and i was wondering if there’s a way that i can make my character change directions and aim at the target whenever i’m in the middle of my combo or a way i can move and attack at the same time.

Keep in mind i’ve created an Actor Component for the attack system and i’ve also tried “layer blend per bone” but it doesn’t seem to do anything when i’m running or walking it only blends whenever i’m in Idle (tried with root bone lock on and without).

Near the bottom of the character movement component there’s an option for “Allow Physics Rotation During Root Motion.” Enabling that will allow the controller to turn the char during root motion anims, assuming you have “Use controller desired rotation” ticked too.

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I appreciate the reply. I didn’t even know about this till now(I’m new), but my problem is whenever I’m doing my attack combo. I’m locked/targeting an enemy my cha
racter seems to go only forward instead of following where the enemy is next.

How is the target lock setup? And what kind of movement is character using? Is the camera locking on while the character mesh does its own thing?

So the camera locks on the target whenever I just run or walk it works amazing but when I go for my attack combo I get the first hit then my pawn moves to the right or sometimes up for some reason and if I continue my combo my character goes forward while my camera is still locking on the target so I miss the target, idk if it’s the target lock’s problem or the animations or the enemy itself.

Are you setting the controller’s rotation in the tick event to lock the camera like in this tut?

If using something like that, you would want to turn on “use controller desired rotation” in the movement component to lock the character’s rotation to the controller’s. At least during attack anims. If you want the char to normally turn independently from camera, just turn “orient rotation to movement” back on after the combo ends.

Yes thank you that worked!

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