Attack Animations Issues

Hi guys, today I’ve tried to give an attack animation to my character, so i’ve created the appropriate blueprint in my character blueprint (LeftMouseBotton—>PlayAnim—>Delay---->SetAnimMode)… But I have a question… how can I made him to attack without slide on the terrain and seem more realistic ? It’s a basic attack but for a particular ‘‘combo’’ like… he run jump and attack in air… how should I do? Because it a single animation and i don’t know how to set the right blueprint to make it work properly.

Thak you very much! :slight_smile:

-either you use blending -> so that just the upper body part moves: ? (this tutorial series will explain it to you)
-or use root motion -> https://docs.unrealengine/latest/INT/Engine/Animation/RootMotion/index.html :slight_smile:

How should i set that when i press W and the right mouse button at the same time the animation start?

You could do it like that:

or just add a W node - connect it with a branch - create a bool variable - add a right mouse button node and connect it with the variable so it gets true - connect the variable with the branch :slight_smile:

Another question
Root motion is the same like in the wiki u linked to me also in 4.7?

It’s nearly the same -> I think in 4.7 they added a feature that you know can have root motion on every animation type, not just montages

Ah ok! I’ve already seen it but… If i set root motion for my animation “run and Attack” with the sword, my character run jump and attack without moving… How should I set it properly? Thaks !

I’ve solved this problem but now I don’t know how to make my character can’t jump when play the attack ainimation.

Please Help :slight_smile:

Add a branch between the jump event and the action. Now create a bool variable and connect it with the branch + “set” it where you do the attack animation (so that it gets set to true or false)