Attack animation not working

I set up my AI character to attack in the behavior tree i set up but its not doing the attack montage. I’ve added breakpoints to see if theres any issues but everything is running smoothly. Any help?


(The order of the pics is the order of how the animation would be called)

Hi there,

Is the interface event calling the montage?
If so, check the montage slot name and confirm if this slot is added to your character animation blueprint.

If don’t, add a breakpoint to see where the code stops working.

Everything is put into its correct spot and made sure the slot “defaultslot” is in the correct spot. All nodes run through without fail but the animation still wont play. So, i can assume it may have something to do with the animation blueprint?

Yeah, I bet if you give the character an “attack state” variable or something like that and have your “Animation Blueprint” driving the animation instead of calling it somewhere else, You’ll have no issues…I Hope, I never had luck telling a character to stop using their anim blueprint for a sec and do I what I say directly. always had to run it through Animation Blueprint. I’m not amazing or anything though so someone here might know how to do it while avoiding your Animation Blueprint.

Hi there,

Do you really need that delay in the task?
What is used for? Is to give time for the montage to be completed? Have you tried to increase the delay? Or remove the delay?

Also, there is a simple parallel running, so I am wondering if this node is cancelling the montage somehow.

Can you please show how the default slot is placed inside the animbp? Is this attack montage using a full body or upper body slot?

Another possible test, replace the play montage by the following:
Get mesh, get anim instance, montage play or similar.

I tried deleting the simple parallel and still no attack animation. Deleting, raising or even lowering the delay still has the same effect. The animation is a full body animation and its attached to slot “default slot”.


Hi there,

Thank you for confirming that. Is the animation properly retargeted to the enemy’s skeleton?

Also, have you tried different montage functions as mentioned before?

@L.F.A Ok so i found the issue but i think i still need help understanding whats wrong. The montages that already came with the animation set i got weren’t working, so i took an animation and turned it into a montage and it worked but im not understanding why it worked like that.

Glad to know.

Do you have duplicafed anination sequences in your projects? Can you show both montages in the ankmation editor?
Likely the montage was based off the original mannequin, not the retargeted one.

yea they were duplicated. Also, I didn’t realize animation montages were for specific skeletons, so that something I do need to remember. Thank you!

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