Attack Animation Not Triggering

Hi everyone,

I am very new to Unreal Engine and game development in general so sorry if this question seems crude or the issue is super obvius. Basically, I am trying to create a basic melee combat system for my game and I have been following along with a few different tutorials on YouTube. I will out line what I have done below.

  1. I have created my Animation Montage for the attack animation.


  1. I have converted my machete Static Mesh to a Skeletal Mesh.


  1. I have bound the machete Skeletal Mesh to the right hand of my Character’s Skeleton.

  1. I have created a code sequence in the character blue print that flows as follows:

  1. I have attached a new node to the skeletal mesh in the veiw port for the character.


  1. I have alligned the machete to the hand.

  1. I have set the parent socket to the socket I created in the Character’s Skeleton.

  1. I have put a ‘Defualt Slot’ node between my State Machine and Output Pose.

  1. I have made sure that the ‘Defualt Group’ is selected in the ‘Defualt Slot’ and that the Animation Montage is in the ‘Defualt Group’


According to the tutorial, I should now be able to play the game and trigger the animation by right clicking but this does not happen.

I am starting to think that this has something to do with my State Machine, I have my Locomotion State triggering whenever the character moves, when the player presses space bar, the Locomotion State switches to a ‘Jump’ state and then back at the end of the jump animation. I am wondering if it is not triggering because of this for some reason. The tutorial does not mention anything about this however.

Apologies for this really long winded and convoluted post.

A link to the tutorial I have been following:


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So I was able to figure out the issue so I thought I would make a post in case anyone else has the same problem in the future.

If you look at the screen shot under step 5, I have two Skeletal Meshes, one name Jackson and the other named Mesh, I am not sure how I wound up with this but I simply had to delete the Skeletal Mesh named Jackson, reapply the Skeletal Mesh Asset to the Mesh and then re add Machete as a sub Skeletal Mesh and it worked. So my structure looks like this:


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