I’m having an issue in Blueprints, where I have an object that is made up of many different components. All of these different components are attached to the root component.
I have set it up so that I can pick up this object, and it attaches the root to my character which works fine over the network. However, when I attach the object to another object (something I click on while I’m carrying it) it attaches, but stops replicating it’s relative location and relative rotation.
So, when I first place it, the client has the same location and rotation for the placed object as the server does. However, if I then touch the object it is attached to (which is a physics-enabled object), it loses all of those settings and behaves as if it was just attached to the root object with no location or rotation offset. When I print out the relative location and rotation for the server and the client, the client sees a different value than the server does.
I don’t know how to fix this. It’s occurring on the root component, which is not set to replicate, however the log that owns the component IS set to replicate. If I tell the root component to replicate itself, I end up getting crashes at numerous different points. So… what? Is there anyone out there who knows how to deal with an object that won’t replicate it’s location and rotation properly? All actors involved are set to replicate movement.